Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 12, Number 6, 1 June 1995 — ʻOhana Reunions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
ʻOhana Reunions
Na 'ohana e ho'ohui 'ia ana
Pali The descendants of the Rev. Adam Pali and Paao-ao Kila Poholopu and their five children, Philip Paao-ao Pali Sr., Lilia ■rme Pali, Maiy Kawahine Haole Hookiki Pali and Laura Pali, will have a family reunion with a potluck pienie at Waimānalo Beach Park on O'ahu on Saturday, July 8 from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 'Ohana members are asked to share genealogies and pictures. There will be talk-story time before entertainment. Connected 'ohana include Ako, Andrade, Anlone, Aubum, Barboza, Bright, Fairman, Goldstone, Gomes, Kakalia, Kalepa, Kalilikane, Mitchell, Salanoa, Salvadorif, Smith, Spencer, Wemer, and Wong. For more informaūon contact Barbara Andrade Tachibana at 293-1618. Cockett The Cockett 'ohana will gather at its annual reunion to be held July 14-16 on the lovely island of Lāna'i. The Cockett 'ohana are descendants of Charles Cockett, who amved in Hawai'i about 1820 and served as a blacksmith for Hoapili, govemor of Maui. It is said he also served as blacksmith for Kamehameha m in Lahaina. Charles married Elizabeth Becky Shaw of Lahaina and raised a family of nine ehildren: Joseph, William, Mary, Elizabeth, George, Phoebe, Emily, Charles and Patrick. The theme for this Lāna'i reunion is "Lei ana Lāna'i i ke Kauna'oa" ("Lāna'i Wears the Kauna'oa Lei"). Most activities will be held at the Social Hall in Lāna'i beginning with a get-acquainted social hour on Friday, July 13 at 5 p.m. Genealogy and craft sessions, a tour of the island and a larger dinner meeting/gathering are just a few activities planned for Saturday, July 14. On Sunday, July 16, special services led by hene Cockett Perry will be held at the Cocketts' Ka Lōkahi O Ka Mālamalama Ho'omana Na'auao of Hawai'i Protestant Church located on the Kō'ele Lodge property, followed by an aloha luneh at the Kō'ele Lodge Hotel. For
more information, contact Moniea at 456-3610 or Patti at 944-1750 (both are O'ahu numbers). Kaleikau, Kailiponi The descendants of Charles, Abraham, William, David Kaleikau and Mary Kaleikau Kailiponi are holding a family reunion at Ala Moana Park Magic Island in July 1995. For more information, eontact Mrs. Moku Kaleikau 01szowka at (510) 655-9837, or write to John 01szowka at P.O. Box 14, Lā'ie, Hawai'i 96762. Naihe, Mokuiki & Ha'aheo Descendants of Naihe and his two sons, Mokuiki and Ha'aheo, will gather at Hukilau Beach in Lā'ie, O'ahu for a family reunion June 29 - July 3. The reunion events will include a genealogy workshop, keiki activities, games for both youth and adults, a crafts sale (bring your crafts and artwork), entertainment ('ohana members are being called upon to share their talents), and a family feast polluek (Saturday, July 1). There will be T-shirts available, gold for Mokuiki and Califomia blue for Ha'aheo, stenciled with the family crest (13-ineh diameter on back and 5-ineh diameter on front). For more information or to offer suggestions, contact either Harry K. Au at 2935478 or Kela Miller (president) at 2378858. Kalama The next Kalama 'ohana reunion will be held at Kalama, Washīngton during the town's annual Kalama City Fair weekend, July 14-16. Kalama is a small town located along the 1-5 freeway in southern Washington state where Hawaiians settled in the 19th century and intermarried with the Native American tribes. The whole community is looking forward to meeting the Hawaiian and Indian families of Kalama. The sharing of cultures will be an historical moment. Some events being planned include participation in the Kalama county fair, traditional dance performances, a kids'
parade, and a lū'au as well as the sharing of genealogy and family history and pietures. For information, contact William Moses at P.O. Box 550, Waim Springs, Oregon, 97761. Hukiku - Keulua The 'ohana of Hukiku and Kapali Keulua will be having a reunion and potluck at Mā'ili Beach Park, Wai'anae, O'ahu on Saturday, July 22 starting at 9 a.m. Several activities will take plaee throughout the day. The 'ohana includes the offspring īrom their children: James Moses, Mary Kiko, Annie Flores, Jack Moses, Joseph Kaahanui Moses, Frank Moke, Louise Larinaga, Kalei Tisalona, and Malia Santiago, as well as ffom the offspring of Lokalia Anakolio Holt, James Lawrence Holt, Kaluna Keawekane, Malia Kaneaiakala, Keolas/Ahsings, and Kaahanuis. Contact Dolores Levi (488-3530 on O'ahu) for reunion information or Erik Kalani Flores (phone/fax 338-0229 on Kaua'i) for genealogical information. Ni'ihau A reunion of all family members of the Ni'ihau, Nihau, Niheu, Kalalau and Kupanihi 'ohana will be held Aug. 1720. For further information contact Naomi (Ni'ihau) Ballesteros at 682-4814 (O'ahu). Hoomana / Holu The descendants of Hoomana (W) and Holu (K) are planning a family reunion for June 30 - July 3 at the Mālaekahana State Park. Families include Hoomana, Holu, Davis, Delatore, Eberly, Kahawaiolaa, Koko, Kulaninakea, Kyle, Leleiwi, Liilii, McCauslin, Quemuel, Recard, Scharsch, Young and others. Events planned are genealogy workshops, ancestry, mythology, photo sessions, shde shows, a photo display (old times), games, swimming, and a family lū'au on July 1. Organizers are John McCauslin, 289-2829 (pager), 955-0555 exL 436 (woik); and Timmy Holu, 6388007.