Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 8, 1 August 1992 — ʻAi Pono, E Ola [ARTICLE]

ʻAi Pono, E Ola

By Terry Shintani, M.D.

From the mountains to the sea: tastes of the Pacific

Kalo (taro) held a special spiritual significance in Hawaiian culture as did many of the staple foods of old Hawai'i. The ahupua'a. a parcel of land stretching from the top of the mountain out to the oeean, embodied a system of self-sufficiency and eeological halanee that was also an important part of Hawaiian culture.

These concepts and others relating to kalo are being honored and promoted in the Third Annual Kalo festival at the Windward Community College on Aug. 15 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Culturally kalo is important because it was at the center of the Hawaiian way of eating. From a heahh perspective, it is also impor-

tant. As demonstrated by the Wai'anae Diet, kalo ean be very useful in losing weight and controlling diabetes and many other diseases. I will be giving a talk on this subject in the afternoon at the festival. Kalo is also important for self-suf-ficiency. The farming of kalo is important ffom an environmental perspective. Eating more whole food

from the vegetable kingdom such as kalo, breadfruit, and sweet potato is far more ecologically sound than eating animal food. This festival will have environmental exhibits. There

will be information on the effect of food on the environment as well as information about other ways to help save the environment, such as the use

of solar energy and other ecological-ly-sound technologies. Groups such as Earth Summit Hawai'i and Alternative Technologies will be present.

If you want to learn about kalo and other Hawaiian and Polynesian food and have a great time to boot, then visit the Kalo Festival August 15

from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. It's free and 1 hope to see you there. Dr. Shintani, physician anā nutritionist, is the director of preventive meāieine at the Wai'anae Coast Comprehensive Health Center. He has a weekly eall-in talk show known as "Nutrition and You" on K108 7-9 p.m. Sunday nights.

I iE Ola Mau i A non-profit organization of native Hawaiian ' health professionals, E Ola Mau needs your J help! We are trying to identify native Hawaiian ! health care professionals (including: medical I doctors (MD), registered nurses (RN), Licensed I Practical Nurses (LPN), osteopaths (DO), I orthopedic surgeons (DOS), respiratory thera- | pists, physical therapists, etc.). | Please let us know if you are a native I Hawaiian health care provider. I Send to: E Ola Mau 1374 Nuuanu Ave., #201 Honolulu, Hl 96817 Phone: (808)533-1 628 FAX: (808)521-6967 I

1 Would you like your name, address and phone number published in a directory of native Hawaiian health care providers?

i Name Business Address i i City State ZIP j I Business Phone No. S I Health care training (e.g. M.D., R.N., etc. ) I I I I