Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 9, Number 6, 1 June 1992 — ʻAha ʻOpio O OHA set June 22-27 [ARTICLE]
ʻAha ʻOpio O OHA set June 22-27
The fifth annual 'Aha 'Opio O OHA Youth Legislature will convene June 22-27 at the new state office building. Sixty Hawaiian youth delegates will attend the week-long leadership program. Most are from high schools in Hawai'i, but there will also be participants from Alaska, California and Texas. Sponsored by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, through its education division, 'Aha 'Opio O OHA teaches students about legislative procedure and Hawaiian culture. Modeling the Hawai'i legislature, students write bills, discuss them in their respective houses and committees, and either pass, kill or amend the potential legislation. They also elect their own officials — a governor, lieutenant governor, senate president, speaker of the house, kalaimoku and konohiki. In the five years that OHA has conducted this program, 231 students have participated. Presiding over this year's 'Aha 'Opio O OHA are: Jasmina Walea, lieutenant governor (acting for governor Luke Wong, who is unable to attend), Ui Lani Nathaniel, senate president, Joseph Dean, speaker of the house, Kaylene Sheldon, kalaimoku (advisor to the governor), and Brittney Kapaona, konohiki (advisor to the lieutenant governor.) A staff of 20 adult OHA volunteers provides guidance to the 'Aha 'Opio participants.