Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 7, Number 2, 1 February 1990 — OHA Board Busiuess [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Busiuess
By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer
The board of trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs held its December business meeting Friday, Dec. 22, 1989, at OHA's Honolulu office, 1600 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1500. Present were Chairman Kaulukukui and trustees Akaka, Burgess, Ching, DeSoto, Hao, Kahaialii and Mahoe. Trustee Keale was excused from the morning session but attended in the afternoon. Administrator's report The board unanimously adopted a resolution offering a sincere mahalo, deep appreciation and clear acknowledgment to the OHA staff and administration for their good work in meeting increased demands on their time and energy resulting from the initiation of a number of innovative and demanding programs since the beginning of 1989. Unfinished business H-3/Kukuiokane Heiau Report An interim report submitted by Scott Williams, the project director of Bishop Museum's Applied Research Group, was received by the OHA board and referred to the Committee on Extemal Affairs for further discussion and distribution to the community. The report concludes that evidence strongly indicates the site known as G5-106 (in Kaneohe, windward O'ahu) "is the remains of a traditional Hawaiian religious site, probably the destroyed Kukuiokane Heiau." Williams says, "These remains possibly represent only the mauka portion of the heiau proper, as the heiau may have extended into the area now occupied by Likelike Highway." Several archaeological sites in the area are threatened by the H-3 freeway construction. The research group's report said: "Because ot the religious importance of this site, and the eontemporary cultural value attributed to it, we recommend that it be preserved." That preservation would require the rerouting of a freeway ramp whieh is possible from an engineering standpoint, the report said. Committee reports Committee on Operations and Development (0&D) The following recommendations from 0&D were adopted by the board: A. Authorizing the OHA chairman and the administrator to sign stock powers, resolutions and other documents relating to OHA's investment plan.
B. Authorizing the OHA chairman to write Hawaii's Chief Justice asking him to advise members of the judiciary concerning the Kuleana Escheat Law and residual kuleana interests whieh should vest in the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. C. Instructing staff to work with the state Department of Land and Natural Resources to develop parameters to incorporate the Kuleana Escheat Law (Act 307, SLH 1987) as part of OHA's pending land management plan. D. Approving policies and procedures for purchasing. E. Approving proposed budget amendments to include items inadvertently omitted in OHA's supplemental budget request. The amendments include $11,230 for furniture and equipment and $20,000 for eleneal salaries. F. Approving, on the first of two required readings, amendments to the public hearings section of OHA's policy and procedure manual and the board and committee meeting section of the OHA bylaws. G. Ratifying the 0&D committee recommendation that OHA temporarily utilize the charter of a reorganized "Celebrate the Hawaiian — Ho'olako 1987" organization to assist OHA in carrying out its mandates (in applying for federal funds.) H. Approving Ō&D committee testimony for OHA presented to the Aloha Tower Development Corporation on Dec. 21, 1989. Commitee on External Affairs A. The board unanimously approved a resolution supporting "the Bureau of Census's goal of achieving a complete and accurate enumeration in the 1990 census, especially in those areas of the United States where minorities, Native Americans, including all Hawaiians regardless of blood quantum, and the poor have traditionally been undercounted." B. By a 7-1 vote, the board approved a resolution stating that it "strongly opposes any existing and proposed legislation, such as mandatory eonversion of residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial leasehold that forces landowners to convey title to their real property upon demand of the lessees." Trustee Akaka voted "nay". Executive session The board unanimously ratified action taken during executive session on the following items: A. Approval of administrator's request to assign grants management specialist Christine Valles as part-time administrative aide to state Sen. Mike Crozier during the 1990 legislative session. B. Approval of the administrator's recommendation to hire Carol Kita as secretary for the Native Hawaiian Revolving Loan Fund. C. Referral to the Committee on Operations and Development of a proposal for a legislative lobbyist. D. Referral to the Committee on Operations and Development of a proposed drug-free workplaee policy.