Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 6, Number 8, 1 August 1989 — OHA Board Business [ARTICLE]
OHA Board Business
By Ed Miehelman Public Information Officer
The Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs met twice during the month of June, 1989. On June 15, the Board convened at OHA's Honolulu offices and by unanimous vote of all present resolved itself into executive session in order to consult with its attorneys on variety of subjects. Present at the meeting were Chairman Kaulukukui and Trustees Akaka, Burgess, Ching, DeSoto, Kahaialii and Keale. Trustees Hao and Mahoe were excused. When the Board reconvened in open session, it ratified the following actions discussed in executive session:
• The Committee on Native Hawaiian Status and Entitlement was directed to refine a federal entitlement blueprint draft and develop an action plan for implementation. • The Board unanimously adopted a proposal to encumber $81,979 for fiscal year 1988-89 and $192,510 for fiscal year 1989-90 for the purpose of informing beneficiaries and securing participation in forthcoming OHA initiatives. Additional funds to carry out legislative mandates were provided by the state legislature. • The Administrator was empowered to approve the scope of services to be rendered by
1 OHA attorneys both at the federal and loeal level and to delineate the respective roles and responsibility of the different law firms with respect to the combined OHA initiatives called "I Luna A'e". The Board's regularly scheduled business meeting was held June 29, 1989 in the conference room i of OHA's Hilo office. Present were Chairman Kaulukukui and Trustees Akaka, Burgess, Ching, Hao, Kahaialii and Keale. Trustees DeSoto and Mahoe were excused. Chairman's Report Chairman Kaulukukui announced that he accepted an invitation to act as grand marshall of this year's Ho'olaule'a co-sponsored by the Hawaiian lnter-Club Council of Southern California. (The event on July 15 and 16 took plaee at Alondra Park in Lawndale, California. OHA also was represented at the ho'olaule'a by Education Officer Rona Rodenhurst and Government Affairs Officer Jalna Keala, who helped staff the OHA booth.) Committee Reports (Action Items) External Affairs Committee Land Swap Between State and Campbell Estate (Geothermal Development): Palikapu Dedman, representing the Pele Defense Fund, asked for Board support of his group's efforts in opposing the development of geothermal energy on the Big Island. Dedman said the development of geothermal resources not only violates traditional values and beliefs of the Hawaiian people, but also is a major source of polluhon. In January 1983, the Board voted 5-2 to support Campbell Estate's application to begin geothermal development at Kahauale'a, subject to a number of conditions. Following Dedman's presentation, several Board members indicated a willingness to reconsider that action. Chairman Kaulukukui directed that the matter be referred to the Committee on Native Hawaiian Status and Entitlements for discussion and recommendation. Services to Hawaiians Task Force: The Board unanimously approved the names of five nominees to be submitted to the governor as appointees to the Task Force for HawaiianServices. The Task Force, created by the last legislature, is to examine and make recommendations eoncerning the coordination of all public and private services available to Hawaiians. Those recommended are: Mahealani Ing, Executive Director, Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, Charles T. Toguchi, Superintendent of Education, DOE, Dr. John C. Lewin, Director, Department of Health, Winona E. Rubin, Director, Department of Human Services, and Tom Dinell, Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, U.H., Manoa. Pahua Heiau: Unanimous approval was given to the recommendation that the OHA Board join the Bishop Estate Board of Trustees in a formal dedication ceremony of Pahua Heiau.