Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 9, 1 September 1988 — "Hoʻolokahi" Book Planned To Commemorate January Event [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

"Hoʻolokahi" Book Planned To Commemorate January Event

A fine photographic book is being developed to commemorate the "Ho'olokahi: Hawaiian Unity Day" event that took plaee January 23, 1988 at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu.

To produce the book, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, with the support of the OHA board of trustees, has appointed a team coordinated by Teddi Medina, president of Star Words, ine. Medina has had a long career in radio and print media as a talk show host and writer. Other members of the "Ho'olokahi: The Book" team include: Keith Haugen, entertainer/composer, Hawaiiana consultant and head of The Idea Man firm; Clifford Yuguchi, an award-winning graphic designer and head of the Los Angeles firm Yuguchi & Krogstad; James Montgomery of Crest

Graphics printing firm; Edwin F.G. She, freelance writer and editor; Jesus Sanchez, custom bookbinder who will bind a special limited edition of the book; and George Kauhi, freelance artist, who will oversee the artwork for the book. Publication of "Hoolokahi: The Book" is expected in January 1989, in time for the anniversary of the Ho'olokahi event.

OHA Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III reviews moekup of proposed "Ho'olokahi" book with OHA Chairman Moses K. Keale, Sr. and Charles Heen.