Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 August 1988 — Acknowledgements [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


The first 'Aha 'Opio O OHA youth conferenee June 20-24 would not have been possible without the assistance of a lot of individuals, businesses and organizations. In addition to those already mentioned in the main story, here are others. # Planning Committee: Jonah Akaka, University of Hawai'i Manoa ēind KCCN Radio 1420 on the AM dial; Roy Almeida and Jill Coryell, United AirKnes and the Yam Garden; Annelle Amaral, YWCA; Momiala Kamahele, UH Manoa; Hihano Paleka, Office of Program Evaluation and Planning, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate; Clark, West Beach Employment Corporation; Soller, Hawaiian Telephone Company; and Kahiwa. Conference Assistants: Don Romero, Waiakea High School; Mrs. Kathleen Romero, St. Joseph's Elementary School; Keala Millare, Honoka'a High School; Kathryn Keala, College of Business, UH Manoa; Gladys E. Rodenhurst, retired secretary; Brittney Kapaona, student; and Hēnry Valbuena, T-shirts. OHA Staff: Jalna Keala, Tane Wailehua, Merlyn Akuna, Laura Kamalani Paikai, Yukie Kāneshiro, Barbara Yuen, Emma Chun, Moniea Waid, Deborah Lee Ward, Gwen Valbuena, Martin O. Wilson, Earl (Buddy) Neller. Other acknowledgements: Governor John David Waihee III; Lt. Gov. Benjamin Cayetano; Sen. Richard S. H. Wong, Senate President; Ilima Pi'ianai'a, director, Department of Hawaiian Home Lands; Supreme Court Justice Edward H. Nakamura; Stan 01ayan, past president, Hawai'i Jaycees; Rev. Tyrone Reinhardt; A. Van Hom Diamond, Judiciary; Royal Order of Kamehameha; Lydia Maioho, curator, Mauna 'Ala; Lei Femandes, Lanikuhonua; Oswald K. Stender, Campbell Estate; Donald Duckworth, Bishop Museum; Friends of 'Iolani Palaee; Leiana Woodside, Daughters of Hawai'i, Queen Emma Summer Palaee; Thomas K. Kaulukukui, president, Ho'olako; Kupuna Henry Auwae; Sabra Kauka McCracken, photo/journalist; Royal Hawaiian Band; Gwen Yuen, Senate majority office; Ben Villaflor, Senate Sergeant-at-arms; Joseph Tassel, House Sergeant-at-arms. see 'Aha 'Opio, page 3

'Aha 'Opio, from page -2--- •

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Manu Kahaiali'i of Maui visits with, from left to right, Gary Palaeio, Laupahoehoe; Tina Marie Ka'awaloa, Pahoa; and Kris Marie Kuulei Haina, Kamehameha.

Trustees Moses K. Keale Sr. and Manu Kahaiali'i enjoy a light moment at Hale Aloha dormitory during evening portion of program for youth legislators.

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Sam Kekuaokalani of Kahuku High School, a youth Senator, discusses legislation with 14th District Rep. Joe Leong,