Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 6, 1 June 1988 — 11th Annual Secondary Schools Competition [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
11th Annual Secondary Schools Competition
Punahou. Kamehameha in First Plaee Performances
By Kenny Haina, Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA Punahou School's Na Keiki O Ka 'Aina O Punahou took first plaee in the kane and wahine divisions and Kamehameha's 'Onipa'a Kamehameha was the hui i'a or combined division winner in the 1988 Secondary Schools Hula Kahiko eompetition May 14 at the Brother Stephen McCabe Gymnasium on the St. Louis School campus. A total of 18 schools, 12 in the high school division and six in the intermediate, made this the largest field in the competition whieh had its modest beginnings 1 1 years ago at the Kualoa Regional Park. More than 2,000 people thrilled to the performances of eaeh group in their beautiful costumes and with movements whieh brought generous applause. The lone neighbor island entry eame from Honokaa, Hawai'i, whieh entered both the intermediate and high school divisions, placing second with its wahine entry in the intermediate division behind 'Iolani. The other intermediate winners were Kaimuki in the kane and King Intermediate in the hui i'a. The Governor John David Waihee III trophy to the group scoring the highest number of points went to Onipa'a Kamehameha whieh lists the instructors as Randie K. Fong, Holoua Stender and Nu'ulani Atkins. The Mr. and Mrs. Bill (Aunty Malia) Craver language trophy went to the 'Iolani School Na 'Opio Ka Honua kane under Ed Collier and Kaipo Kalua. Judges were Kimo Alama, Pat Namaka Bacon, Aunty Malia, Mileka Kanahele, Mae Loebenstein, Elaine Mullaney, Thaddius Wilson and Jan Yoneda. It was another outstanding cultural effort sponsored by the not-for-profit Kalihi-Palama Culture and Arts Society ine. headed by Executive Director Wendell K. Silva who turned in another flawless performance as master of ceremonies. His introduction of all the groups and brief descriptions of their selected songs or chants were delivered with poise and clarity, adding immensely to the magnificent staging of the program. Results, with songs in parentheses and instructors or kumu hula following:
INTERMEDIATE DIVISION Kane 1. Kaimuki (Aia Molokai Kuu Iwa), Mililani Lau. 2. King Intermediate (A Ka'uku), Allan Makahinu Barcarse. Wahine 1. 'Iolani Na Pua Liko Kukui O 'Iolani (Kaulilua I Ke Anu O Wai'ale'ale), Ed Collier. 2. Honoka'a (Hana Waimea), Tony Nakaniela Malacas. 3.
Kamehameha Na Olapa 'Opio o Kamehameha (Ke Ha'a La Puna), Leimomi Ku and Brad Cooper. Hui I'a 1. King Intermediate (Aia La 'O Pele), Allan Makahinu Barcarse. 2. Kaimuki (E Kalani Nui), Mililani Lau.
HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION Kane 1. Punahou Na Keiki O Ka 'Aina O Punahou (Aia Nuuanu Ko Lei Nani), Anthony Lenehanko and Harry Ka'u. 2. Damien Memorial High School Kealakapawa (Mahiehie Ka Lewa Lani), Miehael Ka'ilinohu Canopin. 3. 'Iolani Na 'Opio Ka Honua
(Nohili), Ed Collier and Kaipo Kalua. Wahine 1. Punahou Na Keiki O Ka 'Aina (Maika'i Kaua'i), Lehua Hulihe'e and Doreen Hirao. 2. Kamehameha Na Wahine Hele La O Kaiona (Ka Wahine Hele La), Mapuana de Silva. 3. St. Andrews Priory (Kau A Hi'iaka I Panaewa), Leina'ala Kalama Heine. Hui I'a 1. Kamehameha Onipa'a Kamehameha ('O Lanakila Ke Ka'aahi Ali'i), Randie K. Fong, Holoua Stender, Nu'ulani Atkins. 2. 'Iolani Na 'Opio Ka Honua (Kaulu), Ed Collier and Kaipo Kalua. 3. St. Louis Hui O Na Opio (Kaupe, 'Aina Pali Huki A Huna), John Keolamaka'ainana Lake.
Alaka'i Anthony Lenehanko (in striped shirt) and Harry Ka'u accept first plaee calabash on behalf of Punahou kane dancers. The kumu hula for Punahou is John Kaha'i Topolinski.
Kumu Hula Ed Collier accepts first plaee award For 'lolani in the wahine division of the lntermediate competition. Making the presentation is Jan Yoneda, one of the judges.
— ■ ^ These young ladies of Kamehameha's Na Wahine Hele La O Kaiona under Kumu Hula Mapuana de Silva make their exit following their second plaee performance in the high school division.