Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 1, Number 6, 1 August 1984 — OHA Joins KS/BE, Others in Maui Summer Pilot Program [ARTICLE]
OHA Joins KS/BE, Others in Maui Summer Pilot Program
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs was a cooperative sponsor with the Kamehameha Schools/ Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, the State Department of Education, Alu Like and parent groups for the Waihee-Kamehameha Pilot Summer Program whieh just ended at Waihee School on Maui. This six-week summer program, whieh started June 14 and ended July 27, involved students in Grades 1-8 from Waihee School. Students from other Maui communities were also in the program. More than 50 percent of the students were of Hawaiian or partHawaiian ancestry. This was the first year of the program on Maui and also OHA's first participation. OHA provided funding for a kupuna for the primary and elementary programs. The position, however, was split in half between Kupunas Gertrude Mahi and Alexa Vaught. They were responsible for implementing the Hawiian Studies curriculum teaching small groups of students through legends, music and dance and assisting on field trips whieh focused on the unique enviromental and historical aspects on the Island of Maui. They also worked with adults. The extension education division of KS/BE worked with OHA Kupuna Coordinator Betty Jenkins on the program. She was also consulted on a similar program for Kekaha, Kauai. whieh was
held last summer in Waimea. OHA's support of the project was appropriate and consistent with its overall participation in education through the kupuna program.