Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, 1 January 1984 — VIETNAM VETERANS IN HAWAII [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Thomas Kaulukukui, Sr.
I'd like to take advantage of the Trustees Corner this month to eall attention to an extremely worthwhile organization designed to help Vietnamera veterans in the islands. It is called the Vietnam & Veterans Leadership Program in Hawaii and is comprised of a cross-section of private sector and public service professionals in our community. WLP is administered by ACT10N, a national volunteer agency. The Hawaii chapter enlists the volunteer talents of successful Vietnam-era veterans on behalf of those veterans who still experience readjustment and employment problems following their military service. The primary goals of the organization are to improve the image of Vietnam veterans in Hawaii and to increase job opportunities for unemployed and under-employed veterans of the Vietnam era. The accomplishments of Hawaii WLP include: Establishment of a volunteer "Kokua Network" to provide career counseling and tips on job-seeking skills to veterans. Production of public service announcements aimed at improving employment conditions among Viet-nam-era veterans. Public relations activities including
speeches and exhibits. Establishment of a Veterans Business Resource Council to assist the outreach effort to veterans by the U.S. Small Business Administration. Establishment of liaisons between federal, state and loeal government agencies along with other eommunity institutions. Efforts to obtain a suitable Vietnam War Memorial in Hawaii. 1 would like to see more members of the Hawaiian community become involved with WLP. Donations of time and commitment will be put to good use in a number of programs aiding Hawaii veterans. Businessmen and women ean identify jobs for Vietnam vets. Those who are veterans of the Vietnam war themselves ean be extremely helpful in counseling veterans who want to start businesses of their own. So let's all kokua the Veterans Leadership Program in Hawaii. Although ACT10N provides seed money grants to various VVLP chapters across the country, this funding will cease at the close of the 1984 fiscal year. At that time, Hawaii WLP must become financially self-sufficient if it is to eontinue its operations. The Hawaii WLP is located at 1 188 Bishop Street, Suite 601. lts phone number is 533-1858.