Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 2, Number 1, 1 January 1982 — ʻAhahui ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi Presents the Life of Queen Liliʻuokalani [ARTICLE]

ʻAhahui ʻOlelo Hawaiʻi Presents the Life of Queen Liliʻuokalani

An hour long videotape on Queen Lili'uokalani as she is remembered by seven individuals interviewed in the summer of 1981 will serve as the focal point of a series of forums to be held in February and March on five islands. The forums are sponsored by the 'Ahahui 'Olelo Hawai'i with support from the Hawai'i Committee for the Humanities, the University of Hawai'i Committee for the Preservation and Study of Hawaiian Language, Art and Culture, the EastWest Center, and private donors. Larry Lindsey Kimura, University of Hawai'i Hawaiian language teacher and host of the Ka Leo Hawai'i Hawa;ian language program on KCCN radio, will chair the forums along with Nathan Napoka, historian for the Hawai'i State Historic Preservation Office. Director of the project is Dr. William H. Wilson of the University of Hawai'i at Hilo Hawaiian Studies Program. "Not many people realize that there still are a few individuals in Hawai'i today who knew Hawai'i's last reigning monarch through personal experience rather than simply through history books," says Kimura. "I had always wanted to find out more about how the people of Lili'uokalani's time viewed her and these people represent the last ehanee we have today to gain an understanding of the queen and her times on a more human level." The 'Ahahui 'Olelo Hawai'i, is an organization that promotes Hawaiian language and culture. "I am certain that the public will find the videotape interesting," says Kimura. "The people we taped have had personal experience ranging from the queen's Continued on Page 8

'Ahahui 'Olelo (Continued from Page 3) imprisonment to life at Washington Plaee, trips to the outer islands, relationships with other ali'i, commoners, and immigrants, and her funeral in 1917. If the audience is anything like I am," he observes, "they will see mueh of themselves and their family members in the people in the videotape." The schedule of forums is as follows: • February 12: Kauai'i, Lihu'e Library

at 7:00 p.m. • February 20: O'ahu, McCully Library at 2:00 p.m. • February 27: Moloka'i Kalaniana'ole Hall at 7:00 p.m. • March 5: Hilo, UH-Hilo Campus Center room 306 at 7:00 p.m. • March 12: Maui, Maui Community College Community Services Building at 7:00 p.m.

Ka Wai Ola O OHA ('llie Living Water of OHA) is published quarterly by the Offlee of I Iawaiian Aff'airs, 567 So. King Strcet, Suite 1 00, 1 lonolulu, Hawaii 96813. Telephone 548-8960. Board of Trustccs Mm. A. Frcnchy DcSoto Chalrperson & Trustee-At-Large

Mr. M oscs K. Keale, Sr. Vice Chairperson & Trustee froni Kuua'i and Ni'ihau Mr. I*ctcr K. Apo Trustee from O'ahu Mr. Koy L. lleuliu 111 Trustee-At-Large Mr. Kotlncy K. Hurgess, III Trustee-At-Large

Mr. Thomus K. Kaulukukul, Sr. Trustee-At-Large Mr. •lowepli G. Keulohu, >Jr, Tr«stee from Maui Mr. Uultcr L. Rlttc. Jr. Trustee from Moloka'i Dr, A. Leiomalumu Solomon Tritstee from Ilawai'i

EditoHal Pam Hueh Kekumano Pttblic Infonnation Officer Cynthia H. Lee Media Specialist Brian Onaga Graphics Comments, inquiries and letters accepted at the above address.