Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Volume X, Number 49, 9 December 1871 — Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. English Column. [ARTICLE]
Ka Nupepa Kuokoa.
English Column.
Williain H. Sew»Td has arrived home at Auburo, from a tour round the world. It is st«ted by a Washington special that Secretary Fish has decided on an early retirement from the Cabinet. It is said that the wind blows with such force in Colorado, that when a man losses his bat he has to telegraph to the next staūon for some one to stop it. A young woman in New Orleans, handi Eome and bewitching, lately applied to a i lawyer to procure a divorce from her husband, : on the ground that she eoulā do better. Fuil reports of the last German expedition to the North Pole are published. It is claimed that the expidition was successful. A polar sea was discovered, free of iee and swarming with whaies. I A Yokohama correspondent of the Augs- ; Qazette states that the last census of Japan gives the number of inhabitants at 34,755,321. 1,872,959 areengaged in literature and the military service, 31,954,821 belong to the trading and working classes. The ( number of priests of Buddha amounts to j 244,869, and that of priests of Situ to 163,- { 140. T4ē|teceipts of the government are I estimated at £61,118,438. A quanitity of hair, silky, silver-gray, and ; thirty inches long, was recently sold in New ; York for S3o an ounee—nearly twice as , mueh as gold brings. Thompson & Co., the I iargest dealers in the United States in made > up hair goods, have imported 6,000 pounds of hairsince January, payingfor it $100,000 in gold. Hair has advanced 25 per cent, ; and is likely to go up 25 percent more. j The total measured distonce of the burnt | district of Chicago is four and a half miles { in length, the average width is a little over a mile, and the number of acres is 2,300. The number of buildings of all kinds destroyed by the fire amounts to 18,000, of whieh 15,000 were substantial business stractures. The actual total pecuniary losses sustained reaches $300,000,000. The total ; debt of the city is now computed at nearly j 514.500,000. | There are now in process of erection,count- | ing those whose foundations have just been i or are about being laid, sixteen cotton mills | in Fall River, to be put in operation during 1871 and 1872. The expenditure upon ; tbese will be at ieast eight mil)ions bf dollars. • It is further stated that it will require to put i in operation the mills, whieh are expected ; to start in March next, an addition of about | 10,000 to the population of Fall River. If i all the mills talked of are built and set in i ihotion, that city must in two vears have ; over one million of spindles twirling. j Lettehb oF RECOM«ENnAT!ON.—A gentle- : man advertised for a boy to assist him in his ; office, and nearly fifty applicants presented • themselves to him. Out of the whole number he in a short time selected one, and dis- ; missed the rest. "I should like to know," said a friend, "on ■ what ground you seleeted that boy, who had I not a single recommendation ?" \ "You are mistaken," said the gentlemen, * 4 he had a great many. He wiped his feet when he eame in, and closed the door after him, showing that he was careful. He gave ; op his seat instantly to that lame old man, showing that he was kind and thoughtful. | He took off his eap when he eame in, and ; answered my qnestions promptly and respect- } fnlly, showing that he was polile and gentle- ; manly. He picked up the book whieh I had purposely laid upon the floor and replaced j it on the table, while all the rest stepped - over it or shoved it aside; and he waited i qoietly for his turn, instead of pushing and i crowding, showing that he was honest and 1 orderly. When I talked with him, 1 noticed .■ that his clothes were carefully brushed, his | hair in niee order, and his teetb as white as | milk: and when he wrote his name, I noticed that his finger-nails were elean, instead of being tipped with jet, like that handsome litde fellow's, in the blue jacket. Don't you c»Il those letters of recommendation ? I do, would give more for wbat 1 ean tell Moot a boy by using my eyes ten minutes, fine letters he 010 brin g me."—