Ka Nupepa Elele, Volume XI, Number 50, 26 July 1890 — LEADERS WANTED. [ARTICLE]


>■ Dear Elelk —It seems to be au admitted fact that the JSational Partv iu tho Legislatīire lacks proper leaders, aiul tliat to this fact is due the apparent discension of the Partv. It is certainly a pitv thot the members elfcōt of so strong and so popular a Party as the Natioual Keform should not offer tfie*proper cohesi6n, the uee- ' fefl«arv unit%- of views and action. ' Bucc(:ss .in Part.y pplitics never ean be expeeted tinless throngh perfec't discipline, by M'hioh the fnll \reight of all the niembers is brought to bear 011 all questions, however insiguifieant thev may appear; and final victory is only obtained when all the members malee it a point, as u matter of pi*ineiple, ;ilways to vote as a «nit, not only i on subjects of general jm])ortānce, but I also as ā matter of courtesv to eaeh oihei-on any minor point intevesting any one member of the Part}-. In a well organized and well disciplined Party, no measure onght to be bronght befor«: the llouse withoqt the I previous knowledge and asj?ent of the i'uli Paitv, «ikl no individual Inll, nje; sui'e or m'otiou should ev«r fail to reciive tbe ffi!l snpport of ihe Party. Howfar the cbnduct of the National Reform'is from this ideal! Every member see:ms Jy .be pnlhng independently on his owu account, without due consultation with his eolleagues, ānd too often measures of individual jnembers have failed evon to re,ceivo froni theothers of the Partv, even the coiuteōus attention due to any gentlemnn liy hiei fellow-mo.n. And even worse than this, lii niany ihstauces, inotions of menvbers of the 'National Party have been made the objeet of attacks, «neei-p, derisiotl and ungentiemanly reraarks from ōthei ! niembers of the very pavty who ough( to has r e at leasi, if not to support thom, respecteij ihei», and all<?wfe'd them j proper time and deference for the ful] !and liberal expression of their opin- | ions. . ' '' | There is no doubt, however, that tl;is stato of things isdue, n.ot so mueli | to any personal bad feeling, or to anj j wish of members to he oflfensive tc eaeh other, as'to a comp!ete laek o' leaderfihip. FrO»n the start, owing perhaps to a eertain diflTerenc« between men nol acquaii)ted wfth eaeh other, thougl; elected on the «auie pjatfprm, ānel also, perhaps, to pett,y jealonsie? whieh ought to have been squelchec; at onee, the necessary discipline wa> not a<lopted: and if leaclefs havo becr appointed, it b.as been more for thc form than from a feeling of th'e abso!ute necessitv of a firm ānd powerfu! !eadersbip. Theh the leaders, eithei electe(i or «elf-:ippointe(l, have nevei takeh their i;itc storn consideration; they have failed to mix up with the difterent membei> for the purpose o'f gaining their confidence, exChftng'irig vi<Mys bf keep iiig theni toget!ier by exerting th( hecessary spirit of solidity as it exisb !n a well-disciplined army. Tht soldiei* m»s feel fhat he eaii depcno 011 his officers jusf as minih ai>. thf general mu'st fed! 'that 'he ean rely on liis so!diers.' - But it is uot vet too late, aml thc t|*ucstiōns yet■'t-o be solved by the present Legislatuiv niake ij itupērative that the National l\eforru Party sliould choose ifs leaders anel fo their leadersliip fhrough eon staut ia paiipu*. The besfc way to obtaiu this clesirijible result seems to be the appointraeut, in caueus, of four leaders—two HaWiiiians and two foreiguei-s— whe wouia torii) a kind of Exeoutivo Committee. through th«J Party wauki, at any iiK>ment, ahvays b< ready to faee any emergency, aud kuow kow io vote iutelligo,ntly mvd i)nanimously ou evory question. TUe «ahe»Npnts of thc Natioual Kefonu Partv hope amt, iu t \peol bhat their eleeted Nobles uiul Ropre*mtuives will not fail to givo this mattei llie pi-oper attention, aud tluvt 3ur Party in thc Honse will, ut ouee, >i-ganizo on such basis. if any iuember doos noi Leel like Miorifieing his eouveit or pivjudie«s to :his neeessHiy digcipUne he owos to Jis eleetors to resigu liis seut. Nation'.\l. KEKOKM,