Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 422, 31 March 1892 — SUGAR AGENT'S CAUCAS. [ARTICLE]
A? near as we ean ascertain } Uie meinbers ot our mercbantile firms and sugar agents who left by the i steamer Australia, are to meet in! caucas in eitber San Prandsoo, of New York, with soch sugar msfnates as Messr». Davi«i aini Imb* oerg, and others who are hTisg in England and Gerroanv from tbe products of Hawaiian soil. The object of the meeting is to | ditM-uft« tbe situation nf <>nr sugar indnf»tries. to se<Mire capita], asd «1 buv' tat livit»g ;>rices In all i>robabiiity an effort will h»* made to *>H t«> the NVw Vi»rk Sugar Trust,i ui»on wh'ieh inon«»v advanoes may b ■ <>btaine«l froni said rich and pow-1 erful sugar trust whose headquarters | is in the cit? of New York. We| hope for the welfare of our sngarj farmers and those interested wīth theii; that the iiiission of these gsnīleini'n will be suct!esftfuL 1 — ♦ —-——