Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 403, 4 March 1892 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
TAXATION 4.A oow Just aad perfect svBt»zn 01, Tkx«Uoii mo«t V» iaaapmM, to «ho. [ li®h th* prcMnt iiieqQaUUeB, by whieh th«pr4ierty M poor i« exc«BBiv«ly Ux«d % whik» miieli ol the rich !»odi ai* niHbi«\m)ued for ■iiiiiiiiiiimihil w Uxatio«; w« eh*Ji pnnwp ol ltwi th*t wili mort» *āec%mA\y tahj*ct th« |>w»p»rty of corpor«tkß» «nd rk>h HU«onētoO»ir jmt projwtioa ol puhlie b«rd»M. while «r«atiac mok (ihml «emptio«« to the poor;and ie« miiu ol d»courm£a|t the \ockt*9 np onvgo twt* oi ttotmitir»to»d laod», a di®reiiUal tax •hooW b« k»vied in «dditioa to th« »Bimi iBN«Bim( on valt»Uon « hieh aho«kl he in proportkm to th« lerttlity ofth#»tioi; W« oiall alM>favor tb»«*> uhlW»n*ent o» a inemae tax, and th«M exptci to ohuin anpfe («nd« lur coadartvn|[ ilie (uv*riim«*t aadat* leiKlia* U all pnhlie improvemenu wUhoat my further eall» oa tht ma**«e» \
MOMOPULUKM 5. W«M aa>o<r cfbrtii to uiilalw U*« by whk»h #tl i»yorfllBiB in erameßt «nd «II okmopoŪm, lrtwte ««4 Udvileges to epeeial cWwm «ImUI H» T*aderad impoaeikle, by fall, dtfialto aad mtadalor? st«tuteB PR(yrjKCTION T0 UOM& IXDUHTKIKS % 7. We are in lavor ol »ooingiBg ftl*.. *ud indostriefl ( amiUi our Mtive prodocit, like rie«, cnflte, wr?L lohaee©, «tc. sb<mkl bo piolaeM 4d loal«rod by proper tarif makUM; tnd «teo it be Uie dtttjr o| tboQov* MBt, in its eontr»etB aai ethor operatioaa t to give prefero»co to n»tiowi? peo» dsd» over imeortod om. LOOAL 81LF-QOVKBKItEKT 8. We dfeeire anore ttbona poliey t&* wardsthediffero&tlai*<)dsof the Kiar dom« o«tolde of U«iitt; they ahoHki rooeivo tftif«r tfcē psblie tton«TB fewp ihe MopmnM th§ir n» ■onroeß asd Um oI tMr w«aita. Ia faet, tbe priaeipb o! SeU<«o«eraßeßi ehosld be exte&4&d r whereby giving ioealiiiea »ay ebooee tfe» mort imporUQt of tbeir ioeal oxoeolr«» o®cers, axid levy taxee for tbo perpoee loeal imi»rovrawnts of a pab|ie natare. PUBLIG BERVANTB. 6. Better lawa »bonld repilatci tbe Cb nl f*orvieel Tlie principk of tbo e»ection of ofiioprg o( the goverataent by tbe pet>ple shoul«l he e*tabHshed, and oo man ehouki be aiiowed to hold tha& one off»ee of profit, whilst eaiaiīea should be athu}uate compensation for tl»e earviees rendere«l. AU exeeMdve saianee nhoulei be miuc«»d. and all sino rur«*fi or guperfluouß olheee alioliBhed. I*KOTECTIUN TOTHE LABOURIN« CLASKRS 0. We «hali' endorse all measare tending to improve the (<onditk>n of tho workinf[ eiaaee», and ouAseqn«n\iy, with~ out injuring any veeted righte. we wfli ad vocate iaws to prevent ai! farther importat*on or emp!ojrmeut ol oontract labor of aoy Srind f npon cooditi€«ke whieh will brisg it ii«to a niiaone aad degradlng competitto** with free Hawa ian or white labor.. We «hali aiao, in the intere»t of the better urotecticm of the poor, aak for more iiberal ezeißptkm of their property from forced sale o* ex ecution. and froin seisarc ia baakrtsptry proceeding. BMALL FARMING AN.D HOMB STEADS. « 10. The wealthy fraetkH3 oi oar flopuiaJon have hitherto pr?veuted tltedevelopment of an inde|M>ndent ckw« of ctt)Een6; the puhlip have heen acqitirrd aīid have been tie<l up in a ftw hands or uarceiied to »uit fa\-orites, and emal farmen« ami t»ianters have beon driven »nt by corpontttons or it»mbteatiociB of i cap<tal*ets; but ae sma!l farmins ia con> I iwcive tothe rtabiiitv of the Btate. it ehouhl i» encouraited b? a new »od more liberal Homestead act, bv wheh the ownenhip of email tr»ct« of kmd and the S6ttleB»eat thereon of iamHke of our preeent populatkm.—amieapeeiaii *y of the aative Hawaiiaaa who haw been l«ft airoeet hotae)eeB ia ther«co«n» try-«hould be readered poee.ble. To thatend, the Qovoraiaeat «ad Growa l«n<k, ( in m> far aa ean be doae vitho«t iav«dtng veetedrighfe J ahoakl bedevoted «e aoon «e poesibto to hnmrrtnailii «ad eeeferred upoa boaHiat eelUeea frtw of taiee for « limi%ed *enod. lt sho«ftid be |he further «iai ot govm«Mat to, «t ot«ce, eo far improve the M«ae of traaeport» tion,~4ocal, aaO» «1 «ad intora«tioaal,—«e to amik fai «ii Ujedi«rtcts. ehe^» ing tbe predoct of the eoO to m«rket. WJēCTOEAL RIH<iT. U. We ho)d th«t npri#bt«*d ImmM aad aot t& iMweeeaiiia of sho*W«»s£ ihe r%ht to roie fw aohlee «s woli «s wpwaaiahwi, «ad ao m» m d»aWbe «roorMtotfee ba))otQfthe Hrh m%a th«a to the of fhe l»oot aaa. The diecrheia«tioa ia hvor of wehhh aow aab ia oar Coaetitatioa KiaeWee <*ri*htai£j,*stk* «a«i mast be ed. To thte e«d, we will fe\rw a lwd» iag of thepteeeat «H9tinctioa of we«lth whieh bMeh oar tewa 1 f !? w rtehttovete ior aoMee, thereby nitotla| %o the aative H«w«iiaae pri\ilegeB whieh aer«aia lo «teija tMr owa coaatrv, «Iml of whkh t|*y have heea en jwrtiv dwivWl. INTERNAL IMPROVKMEXTS 1! We hrw the >«diiare of aoift* «•?* «fae to eeewpa « aember of aeeM imprwe«eatB oaO«h« «ad othor lei«a«l8 : »cbeo) % ndlvoaili aad b«rbo«e ••dj«rlj«rvee, pahlie ltfht, «ad *Am « «y«tem ef we«rtoii» «ad far Hsaehd« t hn throa«h-oitt the oth»r lelaads.