Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 361, 6 January 1892 — THAT ROW [ARTICLE]
Mr. Editor. Sir: While withiu vour rigbts in publishing a communication refused ad:Jttance to the P. C*. A.; <a paper f hoae eolumi.a for some reason or other aro clnfled and s6aled, when right and truth wanU justice) Bigned an u eye whnea®" and who says, that tbere was a frec fight on board tbe 8. 8. Claudine (Dec 22) between the Chief Engineer and a gentleman (sic) who was en boaid for the purpose of biding &rewe)l to two lady friends, and that tbe Port Superinteadent and the Cap* tain of the steamer took part in it ie alaoyour proviaceto insert any misstatementB made.
You are now in your streggth*denouncing thedisgUBtiiig social cerro»ling and demoralmnß thi« natioa, and when we ai»sure you thi.< the said gentlemac (aie) is the alientor (or »aid to be) of the taid engineere wite's afieciioiiß, and that said wife in now pleading (s*ib judice) tor separation, there is littie wonder that trouhle i«ued on the narrow pathway of the "Port !ladder." As for the Captaiu and the port Buperinteudant all the part thev took in ' 4 thejdisgracefal melee" was to separate the men, and save trouble. The "gentleman" ahould not board that steamer, but leave as he ardently Ssir.