Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 332, 26 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]


Tiiat it ig ncarlv iiuie fbr Uoform eoiors to bo hoistod. Thut K a Lko b \villing to !)e tied to ITnc)f! S-\m by a toleirraph wirt*. at ]oast, t'or tho i)roS 'nt. Th*t'uur th?uik(? are Mr» Wray Tayior for oompliuientHry ticket to tho Tuesdiiy night ooncert at Kaumakapili ChurcU--1 : That the aml boHera proposes, bnt Wiloax &ad BuBh disix>sos, how the 28th of Novotii« l>or should 1k? oor,ißuemofated. That the AdverUser thmks that tbe Marahal awd his >Fr&hty ,> woald be better of love and » (Kūii?* than rfor or or, living in dishcth|\

Thāt the state of the coußtfy to favoritism and personal rute. That Thomās Bqaare is al!owed to be used for the celebration of Indepiendanee l)ay. Many thanks to the Minisier of laWior. . That many natives and foreigners. miss the eharitable hand of Kalakaua, That Gibson J s administi#tion under Kalakana as King compared to Parker's und«r his Sister».,Mas Qneen, is respeetivelv but- 1 ter is to Limburger eheeae. Tbat tbe Brain Tester is still in town, and all communications should be sent to him Sab(jeet to) Rosa. That all namēs of political aspirants »hould be sent in imw£diately if not sooner, so tbat their callibre ean be Testedso says the Hawaiian Hamfat man. That we hear that the enterprising firm of E. 0. Hall <fe Co. are to have a new sign by the talented young artist who execute4 the one whieh attracted so mu'eh attention this week. It wll represent a , scene in the Arctic Oeean with ieebergs and deep blue water A whale boat in the ioreground is loaded ; with kegs and carbpys w.hlle a num- ; ber of sailors are mixitig cocktails j for a large school of whales that I have assembled to take a drink.