Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 330, 24 November 1891 — Platform of Principle OF THE HAWAIIAN NATIONAL LIBERAL PARTY. [ARTICLE]
! ■ . . f ' isi>epkndum>; of thjs col-xtrv TKīNCirLK 0F GOYISIIS T MKNT AND i:ONSTITUTIO\; 1. We that. al| (»ov#»rnm«nt HhOuhl iouniieU on th«?. prindplea of Liberty; EcjnālUy cto(t Krarf»raist ; we hold- tbat all imen afe l>i>ni freeafidequa{ bofor«i tbfi l»w and ;ire <*nd«>wt?d. wiīh ioaīieiiaWii to life, to to prpp»rtp. t«> the of happiness iiud to Qrbitrary oi power v irrK*por>9ibfa \rcalth, an»l Mniairoorßpt»tition. Web<riiew t4iat ju»sfc jr«>veri»iawit. ot»ly bv ilu- roribeiit o£ ihe Peoph», and ihni, \vhe» itlH>e<>irree for ihe pid>lie wtftar*, they cuvy aboiijjh «sisting tonus aiui ;uore adYanmu:MO« »nd equitable sr>:t(*rr. ; smd, a*» the j>re,S(eiit Cof»ntiiutiaii of ihv Ilawaiiaii doin m \ f»r l>!*s had t!;i' aj>]>rovai of thc People, kui m9h hv hit-imi~ dation atvJ tmnd fv*»r thc >»onofit oi a oertain clas**, ther<»tfom we thc adoptiot! 01 f% and more !ib*ral Copst.itutiou, to ;truly J?CH.uro a (v<ivfrnmeju o/ tl>e Piiiple, tt ,- tho PeopU* a»d/«r thf People. JUOUMARY HEFOIiMg 2. On; ot tv>nsideration fortbeiiiherf4it right» aml prc!i«iit opi)H0»« of ih» »h* t ive popniatk>n, we darfcir*> to r«taiu the indApendeiu<« of tho Co«ntry *nd d?t*<Hj itM atitnnomy, nnd*r* )iberai and populnr torin of sOY*&rnii>eiit: butuur Tr«atk s with Forriffti l\i\v*»rp, ai»d <\«>pe<'ialiy with th*» UniKHl States of A:n«ric«. «hoahl be rovi#i*Td, «?o a> to bett«v meei pr*eent. itooe«BitieA ami to ohtf|in more «quital>leadvaxiiag«6 m granted bv «». Onr jndiciary and o! Proo«dur*» ni»)it £» «uhmiU-M k> a \\xtr» *>«Rh r«vision, jsi> «a to e*cnre a ch«»ap »uid proropt ailnaniMmiioe «f }UftUt<e,fre6 of all f*rtarian or patlsan Bi>irit, aml to Jr,dets. at©rt» 4i<*otiy w*«1)« and w am in i lavur @fa ttpre liberal iutasrprel*U9n of Cv>nstitutioual ofthe of sp«wh aiwl trm p«ws
8. We a more lfac*ail fe*- 1 frards the 4lfoeixt lataft&«@£ dq«i, outside o€ tbey dl}osM m*>. <ieive a,fairer proportiosi ol i&e i>tfb*t*; mont>vB for tfee oI tlieir / sonrces and tne s&tMaefctra of wante' la' fact, tbe pnpcipl& of loeāi ! ghoeld ,be «ss6esed®S v | whereby grving loealkiee may ēhe&ee tlaa most important of thear lac»l exeobtive officers, a»d levy taxes for thĪQ p®rpose l v cai iftibiic »ature* PROTECTION T0 TFIK LABOUEIK(; CLASSES 0. We BhaU endoree aH i»easurc tending to improve the C€>ndifciou oi tbe working clasees, and coasequ«ntiy, witb~ out injuring any vested rights. advacate laws to prevent all further portation or employment v of contraotla>)OF df anv kind t upon co«djitioiis whieh will bring it into a njim»f!s aad degrtfcl£ng com]x titiou with iree Haw«i i.morwhite labor. 'We eiiall also, the iateresfc o£ the better proteetion oi tho poor t ask ior roore liberai exemptioxiß of tlieir property from forced ssle on execution, aud from Reizure in banfernptcy procee*iines. BMALL F£rM*NG ANf) IiOME STEAIXS. 10. The yealthy fi*actīon ōf our populament o£ an independent class of citi7.eng; the publie lands have been acquired and have been tied up in a £ew hande or pareeHed to siiit favoriteg!, and,.j?mal] farwerri and planters have heen driven out bv corporationa or combinatioiis oi capitalists; l>nt a» small farminja: i»<? eondueive to the Ftability of the State, it. sho«ld pe euconraged by a new ?.nd more libpral Homestead act, l>y wheh | the ownership of «mall tractp of laml {and the hettlement thereon of larnilit*s | of our pret«ent population,—ande?i>ecJaīi ' H- of tbe native lla\vaiians who have nlmo?;t liomelefiß m thereeounj be-rendered To i tbat ewi, i Jk. Government and Oown lamls ( in so f,ir an ean lw j - done without iiiv:id in.u; ve,st<M3 rlghtB ) sViOuld be devot'e<l assoon as ]>osfnble eo | and t»nferwl upon bona-fide seitlert= j iree of taxes ior a limited perui<l. lt Khonkl ljti 1 be further aim of <joverriment. tQ, at onw, ho far iDiprove the means of tranKport{ tion»—-loeal, natlonal and intecnational,—as to provi<lo, in all the dititricts, eheap Kieann <>f ronveyina: the protlnct of ihe eoil to market. f:LKCTORAL Hl'lIOT. ; 11. Wi' liold rhat npright and hone«t. j manhood. antl not the POHfieesion of ; woalth,.M-bitn»rily ilsed. Hhould co«sti- | the ri«;ht to vote lor nohle» ap well as | representalivB3, aiul no more power j aliouUl be . accordeil to the ba!lot of tln* ;rieh nnn than to the bal!ot of the j poor. man. The dii?crimin*tic>n in favor ; ot wealth now mide in oiir-oonstitution ; in* eontrary to all tho eternal priiu'iph'.s i of nftht flnd jußtice. and muetbe aholiehi ed. To this end. we will £avar a levelJ ing oi the present dif>ti&ction oi wealtb i an<l whieh blemißh onr law* with re*peet of tho right to tote for ii&blef>i thereby lo the nativ* HawaiianĀ privilegeß whieh pertain fo t)M»m in tl|eir. o *rf'whicl» » h€?y have been uniust!y deprived. INTKKN Ain>!l>RO VKMKNTS 1- We favor the expeaditnre of j s i ient flecure & nnmber oi neede^ pnhlie impru vementn on Oahn and other I ī-IoikIī» ; scho« il, raitroads and harbor* and \vhurvop, puhlie lijjht, and also a thorongh >yaiHm of reservoirs and water-workf», not oidv lor Honoluln, hur thronch-out t ho other 1 sala®d*rt.