Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 330, 24 November 1891 — ON DIT. [ARTICLE]
I Thafc bellies oiUrojik hr.iins i among our high oiFicials, an«l not | c?ven a coat of whith>fi ean cover up "their weakncsses. ! i Tbat tho Nationai i'arfy wiil i hereafter impose a duty unon im-: ported reforni finan<;e ministers: | but thero is a dispute in partv i eouneil» as to whether the vaiuation | will be exf»resse<! whh one iigiire j or with two. ; That the big B—k aie ' a little hlomle B for tho oi' Fi* ; nanee Tha,t Ka .and j Us That tho! said dude J> th«>ugh a Bticoosßtul j fbrfcune hunter is not neoessarily a financier: that lik« the Bi*ton phīen he is bu t ihe 100l of a whoso dnyp ot jx)Wftr arc waiivnj<; tbat h viic wā> n ridicu!o>t.- !ittl<*— the oth«r wo\ild b«* h;; ©n\i»]ly ridiculoim*mali? that he is too iuti« mato with otht>r uiUi .ol B } * wht's-e h»iiislutive 4nd adojimstrniiTe r<> ] e >rd provH ihofu i<i l>« unscrupuious i ami troacher«>uHwhite traßh; That t. Iho u kanaka l.ator aml glorifd| in the >]iort ht=> had saootintx down j. kanakas on the 31st of juiy, '31);' rhar thongh he mav be the ]>et ofj tho rnoney ha has n«t t'Oiiiidence or backing of tho peoplt, | that the fact of matter is that; neithtr the i)ig IV—k. the bloudc li. ]' or the other <li*Kra<*:ful'irit»e- of Bs • or their treacherous allioa ean hol- j ster the rottennesa and wenknoss ot tho preaeiit that Ihe oa»» : net had better dtep dowu j nnd out »nd «ivo plnc« to Wf»t meu of tho hayc eomo hetore th<? puhlio wkh 6ubfitnnliai platform and - political prmoipWB whieh are 't»iu have the auppon of the majoritv of voters, and will «uctricat« this *Kfcuntry from tho 46phg»Wal oi>hditioii into whioh it ha»
Tbai has arrived .ijri Washington and hls> mlsrrred the authorities tbere that the 'present* Cabinet in Hawaii is. aml p6pnlar, and that the opposition td it is but a small factio'n headqd by Wilcox. What a lie ! . , That the Preimer lias deputed all the executive work 'of his office j to the ex. U. S. Vice Consul who ! acts as Secretarv. Unele Sam is surely gettiog the inside track just now where JTohnny BuU had it bsfore/Kanaka boy is not in tbe race. That one <of the tribe of B's who has made himself politically detestable is reminded of the occaskm when hecringingly wenton hiaknee» bcfore the late King at the boat house to beseech afavour, bymstking a promise whieh he aftor«rards troachrously ignored. The whoto stōrv will be to!d in these colnmns with the permission of the witnesses if tliat said B. gets too fresh politically. Two of that- of B's are unworthy the confidenoe of the pubiic und shoukl he forever ?helved, as political back numbers that haye i'aiknl. That the !Wnshington Cabinet are fully informed from soure.es that wiil be believed that tbe representa-tive there is but the ,of a ]>f>]itie;»l elique hcre who are in ihe minority. and that. it will rjot be safe to ent<?r into any treaty ncgotiations, nntil after onr oktio«is..und theu only with the party w.ho nre jm !thiMnajority; that that uartv īk liahie to be tho who are im>ved to be n>orc friendly to the l'nited Htates liian the mif-dijrected-refnrineH and in view treatv relations with that eountry, advantageous to h)t h nalione, and more likel.y to be than anv sche a<> of the present ; (?lique.