Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 320, 20 November 1891 — NEWS OF THE WORLD. [ARTICLE]


FrouQ Kussia the dbp orable pioium is repi>rksl of millionn starving people. The popnlalio» of Kuio|n*an RuBSia, on thu verge of\vant :im! art' suffor'!ig :iil ilio pM!)gs of .>tarvatioTi, is ;«t .'»2 imilions. or abont Uw l'. r tlKs oi' ;li« Ure |>opu]ation. nguro.-< us sonio *«f t-h. o\tra«.rcUnArv niiignihvlent th(M<:iiauitiy thai inipen(Mrig nvtr ;t u;iti«>n, uhose i;overnint>hl is thrt!ntt*iiing penoe uml Uct«truction <.t"Tniih«mg of !ifo hy prwipiuting » gcm!nū vv;\r :n

BaTope. While the amhiāoo of I ihe rulers of th~at cotintry aim &% the snbversion o£ kingdoms, aa, ; all-wise Providence, that shapes ali t thi»gs, puts a teraporary chectk to the deaires of nian in its own inserutable way. The eup not yet fall, however, when the winds (>f turmoil and strife will be let ioose upon this spliere, and the eup | of wrath noured upon the unrighteous,—then and then onlv will we see that outbrust of' pent-up feryv whieh has been gathering and paring for the past t\Venty. or. _t,hirty years. among the nations of the eld hemisphere, and whieh is spreading to all part.s of the earth. In the meanHme, calamity upon ealamitv, and di^oase s wili ,be largel} y on the the cqntinents,V of * whieh the vvorld ha's to experience. Thele . th|ngs are told us. but the wo£ld is a)jd cannot understand. ; MUliōng of Jives are destro3ned by •fire and water, disease and farnine v : ea£thqua-kes andthe e]einents, aeeidents, &c., ar\d theso we r ar<* ifore- ; told are only the beginning of soi> : rows,' of a time of trouble that never known to have its eqoal i before since the world*existed.

A ago we read of (iiers at the Court pf Italy endeavoring to persuade the King to withdraw from the Tripple Allianee. This plan has but?one aim in view — te weaken thenaval forces that wili be able to eomhlne against France and Russia by the withdrawal or non - interference of Italy's lleet r ag&mst that of France, until after the sick man has been disposed of } and Constantmople in the hands of Russia.

We see Humbert ia about to visit Eiigland, e,nd with hiua the ftalmn This indi(?ateB the faiiiire of tht» wily Muscovite's plan, to draw Italy away from her prese»t pal*t,ners. His vis:t will probabiy streDgthen the fee!ings of mutual friendship between the JĒngiish and Italian Nations, and lead to a settled understanding as t«> fnturo cooperation The English wieh the proposed ad<litious offive hundred more wilL be by far the iarjj;est and most powerful bekmgi»>g to any one natioh i n the worldV and when coinbined with Itaiy\s tl«et. will undoubted)y ke"p the war back for a year or t*ro unsil #H>me unasticipated n\ovometit ,4iaH ehange tht) &rts*ēnt awd 00nabmati0H*. Ohioa is iu a stato <>f wolutk>n, its ore at tbeir end to know hōw to moet hor troubleft. The revolutiouist«i t-hre»-ten to extingui£fh a!l foreigoer.s m that conntrr »n lreep the r*jdmouthed dcvils <>ut of the <telet>tial Empire.

| v Tlie troublo between OUile aml the States growiog o«t of the riote whieh look ulaee at V»l--paraiso, )>etwtH)ii Ohileaus and the vessels, has oooled-down. The proBpe< l of its lea<Jing to war, havo no l'oumlaiion. The Ohileau offieiale havo ?o proieot lhose j whom Miu ster Epin hail taken ! uikW his prottv.tion, A great dn»l |of the feoling was no doul>t eni gendereii l>y tho «ymj>athy «hown | the BAlniareda go -»rnmcnt by the lU, 8. olleiu sin %i v. 'tata afiair and |in the iritemal disti» iianeo lhat oulmlnated ovt • throw fo ! tho former govornment and esta- | hlishmont of the pr«sent^