Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 319, 9 November 1891 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

NOTII-E%-n dyol or okwmi iwul onrW «.ai* ii. «i>m* hy MKij, l(Vi Htwct. - . LADUS** wishujj{ Uuj>urslv tlieir oeuupl€xlon 4U\ii orat!iate Uui aml hwkl»* wiH he Lnstuctea byMHB. WEISTHEBN free of ehju«ge. 10S Str6et pa«f thfcArmorT. .11?—<!Siti* hiblir Notl(^ Xnnw *ll IIH» by tliis notiott)mt «nd after tbis date. 1 hare this \\&v di?i:h»rp*l Mr. H. O. Viukoit, tVoot ivlins as an ft#ent, ft>r loe i« a«y *£n*o whai- ; Id tho« lian»v iuul *dmmi?«irAtMn ' «* p*>!*rly % iuhl in ihe oo!te«nkm of *1l aad rents >n*»n ati> aihl hU my in thi? k!ngvl>>n>. Af«v one xvh«» lioKie or is in ai\v c»r wUo luk« any , ur pAynM!iiis to wi!l (ransa«t s«nie \vith me >>er?io4»Ally. «t unv pi»o« HnnuAkiliA, ** H<maUtUs \i«hn. KAPIOLANi. T*r»U»}i. Sawamu H(vnr.Hiln N«>*. $, i»| % ,)<*«»,