Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 319, 9 November 1891 — WHO IS WHO. [ARTICLE]


A }etter from llie pi-oplo « i' Ililo ■' has been seni to us t'orough > !.-• uf thcir leadinjr men, asking t hat llone. *Wilc.ox and : make the noniinalion ft»r ■ ."ni for KeproBentative for the • i.!»iing f.e<xi<]rituiv. This we thor■«)!ighlv • i un<jer?t:in<i.'" and know < . :( 4 tiy what ir ••nie:in." '*imt\vithstamling" "('epha^/' . . ♦♦ ♦ -.