Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 270, 1 September 1891 — Foreign Items. [ARTICLE]

Foreign Items.

The Sims-Edison electric fish torpedo was tested off New York on the llth instant. The torpedo is operated bv eleetricity throiigh a eahle frooi shipboard. It was sent out for two milea, performed wany evolutions at the will of the operator, and returned to the ship. The naval and military experte were enthnsaistic in their praise It bids fair to revolutiopise naval warfare.

Arnold White, the chief agent of Baron Hirsch, who is doing so enueh for the Jews, savs that Russia has been greatly defaraed in.the reports oonoerping- the treatment of jthe Jews. Bpeaking of Paleytine as & land of proruise fbr the Jews> Mr. White said that he had greut objec« tions to it, first, on aeeuuni of the climate for those r«ared in tlie North and, socondly, he thougbt Ru?sia woūld i>ossess it sometime in the future.

The l>ritish authorities havo been i. 4 \vstig.\tinar the o;iuses ef the late insubordination in the The result has l><*»u tho diseovery that an aetive sociAlis:io propaganda has l>een g*>ing on i n the arnay for some timo. An attempt to foreiblv repn\ss it will eventually fml the (lames, W'hen the great j>owers of Kurope linu tho llower of their āruiy rebeUiōUB, they oannol be expocteil to eonlinue lead muoh longer. tvxMalism, An;m xhism, and Xihilism were uever nn>re aliv« then now,