Ka Leo o ka Lahui, Volume II, Number 102, 7 January 1891 — Wonderful Economy. [ARTICLE]
Wonderful Economy.
We I*avo been iĀ»fornie that and oki haek driver, who has b'een in the poiiee a fe\v years onJy. has managed to save enough to build a $6,009 liouse. This pieee of eeonomy and thrift on a $100 & month s:;lary eonipares with the old Cape de Vcrdean cattle raiser that managed to raise cattle enough in iive or six yearn froni a few steers as to eonipel his partner to bu} r him out for safety for $40,000 without even obtaining the oM blaek's secret of how he dicl it. It was this poliee oflieer who had oharge of the opium and who showed a friend the other day that what was seized as opium was onlv poi.