Ke Kiai, Volume I, Number 5, 18 September 1902 — POLITICAL CLIPPING. [ARTICLE]
All the time, energy and money one spennds in political wood-gather-iii' phuHul in inon; pn?lital)lc channcls lor the eUn'elopinenl of u honie and a eohipelenee, I law.iii wouhl in Ihe of a <t;vv years aniass elossal lortunes J)o nol lel your polilieal preju<liees run ofJ with your ealni .jucljrmenl of our prest;nt siluation, l>ut' lel eaeh eitizen inake u]i his njind to east his vote for the o-ood nien pledged to £jood The Kepublicans are down to real harness work Kithcr the Wilcoxities will have to be uj) and iloing 01* else' there will
bc. a laiul slido thc une\;pccted \vay this fall. The Democrats are st ; ll ''100-loo" ohli\ioiis ol a]l-tlieir surroundin<rs except oi the iaee that thev are still cro\vino. Nevcr <dve up if you ,think you are ior a <rot,d cau-se. The niore of it tlie merrier. Keep the pi>litic »1 pot boilinsj boys but never lōse of the i-act that it is the votes- 111at eoUnl. vSee thatevery citizen qualitied to vote is registerecl.