Kuokoa Home Rula, Volume VI, Number 51, 18 December 1908 — Our English Items. [ARTICLE]
Our English Items.
Oahu County Hnaneial sho\ving for the month of November, this year, was good. Balance cash 011 Nov.3oth. amounts to $40,607.46. Kanaka ICee-doocUe and Yankee~doodle is one and the same person. That is an American man. Kanaka-kee doodle is a Merican doodle, and a Yankee-doodle is also a Merican-doodle. The two dood!es are but onfe doodle. The hallelu)ahs and hosanas, whieh had been our wont to hear echoing from Washington, magnifying the brilliant achievements oE Kuhio, in past sessions of Congress, are now hushed. Is he already spotted down īn the list of defuncted Congressional assets? Any terra firma, whieh is not a contiguous quantity of the American eontinent, when it becomes an American territory, statids upon the status of being only a mere possession, and not a part, or parcel, of the United 3tates. That's why the Home Rulers are sticking to Home Rule principles. They want iull U. S. Home Rule Government and not a half assinine muddle as we have now. Ha-i-ah! Hawaii is only an ass (et) oftheU. S.! Late postal ruling from U. S. We are not at all surprise, that 's why Hawaii always had the Merican saddle on its back; and makes the beast of burden looks doubled belly. Now is our ehanee to hustle our shoulders together and W°fk for Statehooc]. Although, the Home Rulers are already in fcr it. On your way to Koolau going over by the Pali, and, while your automobile speeding along the beach belt road stretching between Kualoa point and the eastera lip of Kahana valley, and before your self propelling maehine slip§ in the eool and pleasant dale, don 't forget to look for the sleeping lion un a iiill back of Makaua,' The Hawaiian archaic name of the stone lion like is Kauhikeimakaokalani (Kauhi, the piereing eye of the royal prince.) īs one of the leaders of the Republican Party in league with the Japs who are fomenting the wage earning war on the sugar planters? Sure! It is a very clever trick put up by the sugar interests, to accelerate the infLux of European laborers in Hawaii nei, and then squeeze the little yellow men out of the way of getting the ripe pears ? whieh they honestly striving to secure; and thereby blasted every avenue of their hopes. E ku'i i ka hao o i wela —Strike the iron while it is hot! Alexander L— Hawaiian, but of a Jewish extraction, js now a fqll f]edgcd kanaka M. D. He is not a graduate of awn chewing professors. He is a home made medico. He cures and heals all kinds and sorts of diseases, to whieh humanspecies are generally subjectedto, withthefealstuffs that allopathic, homeopaihie, ecclectic and osteopathic healers are wont to u,se in their professions. Alee ean puzzlelotsof those "patented" medicos with his wounderful cures. Go ahead Alee ! Just ihink that only 149 or 150 years from nexfyear the American ra<A as a' whole will pqn laa, make, That's \yl}at Prof. Walter P. Wilcox of Cornell University predicts of the American extinction, basing his conclusions on the present condition of race suicide in the United States, providr ing however, such American suicidal propensity continues. That was the same theory advanced some years ago by several of our good missionary fathers, somt of whom were Cornell men, on the extinction of the kanaka race within a period not reaching beyond the limit o{ fifty years. And tl|e are still holcling their identity as a race; knd the fatal cycle had passed over their heads several years ago, and they will stickto their racial identity for many more years to eome. We are soon to_be Italianized; and we cannot restrain ourselves from repeating the words uttered hy Horaqe "ha? nugse in geria duqent mala," (theee trifle3 wlll lead s'erious evils). Our sugar barons will giveeach of these malihinis a good pieee of land with a free house to live in. And where the hanakas, the aborigines of Hawaii, are going *to be enriched by the immigration proposition, strongly advocated by loeal Republican leaders during the late campaign? Pills briskled with points'of law or rolled in a bowl of ,Pottpoi pleading, as had already seen in the two election eontest cases, are ,very seldom swallowed by the honorable i>ccupants ol the Supreme Court bench. What the Court
wants; and also the public in general, the cold solid facts, pn> or eon, of ihe cases. Either side will earn the R, I. P. or ihe old Hawaiian proverb: "Moe malie ike kai o ko haku." (Rest in jx?ace, and don't kiek the sea). The business houses bf Honolulu are in a quandary. Ihe law will not permit the owners to hang sign boards on suspending hooks in front of their stores as was the cus_ tom from the days of the Kamehamehas. V7e have not known any accidental death due to loose and astrayed sign boards during fifty years of our struggling for existence. We think, that no better devise for the mercantile brotherhoad to put up to off set this pilikia than by setting upon the Weheads of all theiremployees,even thebosses themselves, their business signs or marks. For an authority, seeGenesis, Chap, 4, verse 15. Wf. learn that the native Republicans will send a delegation to *receive the Italian immigrants on their arrival and te!l the malihinis that the kamaainas are glad to weleome them to Hawaii, because of their good luek. The sugar barons will give them free lands and hou"ses to live in and besides good fat wages, The delegation will eonclude its congratulation by saying: "If you people desire to quit slaving in the eane fields, do eome to Honolulu or any of our big towns and take the poi and fish out of the mouths of our dear wives and children." Hurrah for the Kalanianaole īmmigration! The new Hawaiian Co-operative mercantileenterprise, atthehead of whieh is Col. John T. Baker, tbe Hawaiian self made milionare, had a business Jmeeting in Notley Hall last Thursday evening. We are told that over 1000 shares at the rate of $1.00 per share were taken for cash. There were over fifty members present that evening. Go ahead boys! Don 7 t turn backwards or your may perchance see an apparition like the ghost in Hamlet. Don't double quick time your steps until your are pretty sure that you ean keep good time to the tune of hop(e)! hop(c>J hop(e)! or up! up! up ! We take our friend W. H. Crawford's paper as filed with the P. C. A. of the 14th. inst;. in re Kulike- et al vs. Fern, apw confesso answer thathe was an Achnte (or Broadiite) man on eleeūon day. Good! Threecheers for you, friend Crawford! Let evetfy body of every political shade in Hawaii hear you chanting: "The whole trouble is that I worked for Aehi instead of for Lane, and the Republican leaders are sore on me; that's all k is."