Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 52, 19 April 1944 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
ALOHA ame ko'u lini pau ol<> no 1 KA HOKU O HAWAH | anie konu mau niakaniaka lieluholu iua ke 38 o kona ■ piha makahiki. ! A o Uou iini nohoi e hana lika hakou ajxiu no Ika r \ , holomua o ka lahui Hawaii. GABRIEL K. PEA Kalapana (P. 0. Pahoa) r i | CONGRATULATIONS to tihe' ; KA HOKU 0 HAWAII !■■■ ' '.-■. ; - ; V: r : ■'■'. I the only Hawaiian Language oewspaper in | I existence throug!iout the Territory. Wishing | to contrnue its good work in the interest of its j readers for years to eome. I : ALOHA NUI, I G. Miyamoto Cash & Carry | | Store | 143 Kamehameha Avenue ! ; • i i i CONGRATULATIONS I * to the ] KA HOKU 0 HAWAII ' on the oooasion of its 33tli Birlliday. I It is our wish tliat it continues its goo<l work in the intere?l of the Hawāiian people for years to I eome. I-. ■ ' ~ . . ■ .1 ■■■' . I ■ V: . . : | ALOHA Mil LOA, ; ROYALINN I ■ :■■■:■ :. ; I ! CONGRATULATIONS | to the ' i KA HOKU 0 HAWAII ! ' t I I | on ihe oecasion of its 38tli Birthday. | I . . . I j ll i& oar wish ihal il continues iU» $ood \vork | in ihe interest of tltc Huwaiuui people for yc;uv to I 1 como. 1★ ★ ★ ! ■ ! i ALOHA NUI LOA» j : THE AMERICAN LEGION | HILO POST No, 3 1 \ \. i....i