Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVIII, Number 42, 9 February 1944 — News From Bous, Girls Kamehameha School [ARTICLE]
News From Bous, Girls Kamehameha School
- By AI.BKRT KEKŌA. JK, Mr. Lorlsc Cribley, "Commandant of the Kameham'eha Schooi for Bov<; Battalion re-cenUy promotect 79 boys to be the officers of the Kamehameha fechool battalion. Twenty boys \vere givon the full ratik of ca<ilet officers and 59 boys were promoted to the rank of ficers. . . " !'■■■■■■ FV)r many ycars, Klamehamoha school has nlways m'aintained a aeasoned batt-alion. The main purpbs« of such a battalion ia the 'training' of young rhfen in cour-
I tesy, obedlencc and respftot for | elders atjd Buperiors, and tlio proI gram will bo carrled out in theso i times of war as in the past. Pr<3motious. o£ officcrs to tl;e rank of cadet captains and thc companies lo whieh they have been assig-ncd arc as follows: Cadet Captains — Earl Fernandez, Company "A; Rolan ~M<;lim, Company B; Norman Rosehill, Company C; ■ Alexanider Theone, Company D; Curtis kamai, Company E; James Wallaee, Comtpany F. _
Other cadets prom|oted to tlie rank of officers are as follows: Cadet First Lieutenants — Howard Benham, Company A* Behjamin Kauahikaua, Company B; Frederick Kamak-a, pompany C; John Kalili, Company D; William Si.lva, Company Ej E|lded Kalohelani, .Company F; Robinson, Band ? . Cadet Second Lieutenants — Thomas Kekaula, po.mpany A;
Cla*r«nce S.elf, Oompa,ny B; Jāmes Cocket't, Coxnpany C; Robert Pila, Company D; VollmBj,r Crab b e, Company E; Henry pikela, Company F; William Stewart, Band. Cadet promoted tq the rank of non-comissioned officers are as !fo!3ows: I Cadet First Sergea,nts — Hcnry Keliiaa, Company A; Everett KinLney, Company B~ Henry Mills, Company C; Milton Beamer, Coxnpany D; Howard Crlss, Company E; Fra#ois. MeMillen, Company F; Hcnry Chai, Band. Cade.t Sergeants—|Ārthur FitzCompany 1 A; Arthur McCabe, (acting) Company A; Henry Rogers, Company B; Phillip Eagles, Company C; Sherm-an Thompson, Company D; Charles Piiuohau, Company E; Samuel Akina, Company E; William GasPer, Company F; Napii Cox, Company F. ' i Cadet Corporals — Arthur St.' Germain, Company ' A; Christo-! pher Horig, Companjy B; Willi-am Leilh, Company B; Paul Horswill, Company D; Sanvuel Kalili, Oompany E; Cleighton Beamer," Company F; Richard Rosehill,; Band; Edmund Hohu, Band; Da\id Fontaine, Band; George Choy, Band. *Those cadets were promoted to tlie rank of first class privates were Claude Kakalia, I Carl Tlioene, Dayid ( Pila, Stanley j Hu, Joseph Flores x Newton KekaI hio, George K. M. Deong, Walter • Loo, Alvm Aona, Randolph Loga«, Lowell Lum, ,Edward Lee, | |,Pftul Chang, Panui, Mel-1 j vin Prestige, William Chai, El-j |mer Keliett, George- Leong, Rob-j | ert Moore, Kenneth : Batong, Clifj £or<l Kekauoha» Edw\ard Young,' | Abraham Cockett, Wiliiam Bell, I William Haina, Fletclier Aleong,' | Joshua Akana and ,Ehner Kaneta. ! : By LbSLIG M.
Kamehame)ia Sehool for Bojs first term l>ectmber 17, wiUi ttuj low--etevenUi journaiists \vritiii4 a total of 2,3»3 print«d uicli«is o£ newa. Ov«r 700 inehea of this total have prmte<3 m «sity atid out-island uewspapers, K«a«»»s: highcst wiUi th€ total rtf 6īa priuUni iuclws is Aiuhrose UosdulL $<sconU is Ear! with 141 followed by Cajrl, Xho«u« wiUi 140 j l"?«\vs ratings for other boys |itt th« low el<evettUi dass are, jAj:Uiyr FiUsuiunous, 110; Thom-, I* 6 110, Ehn«r KaiwU, &S;, I Fro4 Kauka» 70; Chsurkis I*uum- , |hAU« 74; W«lt«r ji*unlsoy, i*?she 6S;, l A4ol|>h iiiirUls, 57 £arry Onteu lt i vX», Alb«ri Kekoa, 50; \VsUt«r : AUllot, 4-5, vS«or£c Leon& 43;. ,Jolm Kalōaw, 42; Thom&s Lala-. keia» 40; CUu<fe Kakaan, 40; Hca- t iO- Cobb«A4ams> ss; W«klcm&r IH*vauchelk\ SS; Ntj\vtoa Uirfx\, Clat\iuv S2; Jcrry, S0; Rsxa Kanoho, 29;' F»ul Br<xk\ 29; \\>lter Ko<fea-| liursl» &s; i\9i\id Po«tsutīe» 25; t Piii, £4; Wilhaon H^ l( 2*; MaKnwn. 2i>; KenncUx Oouwt*, 14; Koj-*l Kw< 1S 4 Tsn, iru Vouu&, U, iVU*r 10-. • «5f MASUUKtTK lßKl.tv | **♦*« ***
muaie have expressed the dcsire to &now the meanings of the Hawaiian songs. Translations of the two prize songs to be used !n the Kamehameha School for Girls' song contest to be held on February 13, appear below. Mrs Mary Kawena Pukui, translator at tho Bishop Muaeum and director of HaWaiian activities at the Kamehameha Preparatory Sehool, has translated the songs v The junior division prize song is Pa'au'au Waltz. Selected for the senior division pr;ze song is : Lei Awapuhi. Tr&nslation of Lei Awapuhi 'I heard the voice of a loved one say Ijet me pluek and wear the flower The den?6 cloud made a resolution To string a lei fo"r my leaf bud to wear" My love was strongly attracted To the choicest flower that e\'er bloomed Let me, darllng, string it into a lei, O let your ginger lei be mine. Chorus O ginger lei who comes to me at eventide „ "
Close eompaion of the smallleaved maile Let your hope quietly abide With Beautiful ginger lei. •Trapslation of Pa'au'au Waltz Proud is Pa'au'au of its beauty Majestie in the blowing of the . trade wind Perhaps enjoying the comforts
The wooīng of the silent fish. Chorus Endlesa is my admiration Of the beauty of Pa'au'au Who can't help loving it After many years of living there. Beautiful is that home, Th*ū overlooks the sca of Poloa, It urges to eome «end see, The beauty of Pa'au'au. Pa'au'au was the old Colb.urn home at Polea, now known to us as the Peninsula. The fish pond " belonging to the plaee was also known as Pa'au'au. The silenTfish of Ēwa, famed in ancient Hawaiian poetry was the pearl oyster or pipi. It was called the silent fish because the fishermen did not utter a soun"d when fishing for the pearl oyster, for īf tliey did, a sudden guest of" wind would cause a ripple over the' Surta.ce of the sed and the oysters in the water would vanish j By ADOLPH BAKTELS j The Kamehameha junior basketball team under the tutorship [ of Mr. Alvin Chang, is practicing 1 daily and is almost in shape for | its first gamewith McKinley, the defending t champs of last j year. The junior s<juad consists lof 19 boys, most. of whom are new and with little experience. Scrimmages proved that tlxe Ka- | mehameha loopsters will give ev- | ery opponent on the court a goo<l 1 fight. The boys seelcted for the squad axe as foliows: Henry Ahuaa, George Lindsey, Fre4 Kauka, Ad- , olph Bartels, Charles Puuohau, , George Keiiipuleole, Corbett Roy, Miiler, Fletcher Aleoog, George Lemon, Robert Moo», Waidemar Laeha, Henry KenneUi Auld, Donald Heu, Dauīel Miyamoto, George Crabbe, Abraham Cockett and Walter Rodeiihurst ma«agers are Joseph Chong and Norwin Jones.
{ By SYLVIA CAIULISIJE j Mr. Milton Ē. BaUcngce, for»mw instmctor of mathen\atics :<ind scienco at thc Kamehameha |School for Girls is now Uie SecI retary of tJic Honolulu Chamber lof Commerce Postwar Plai\nvtig- ? c©mmitt€*. I Thc Postwar planni is done 'by \*arto\vs ooi\unittces whieh arc |as follo\v: Thc Human \Vclfarc, hfr»nsportatJoti. Emp}oymcnt. A£- • rlculturc, Housing, Relations \\-ith l Agcnc!os, ar.d the Keo- ' nomīe De\-ck>pmcrtt, ( Mr. I>aUe:i£co startca \\\srkias . oii a ixirt-tinvc bs£is UK nū4t Nov«nlHsr an<i is aow fuii'ilme \vith tho Ch4n\bcr of Co«in\oivc stinoe J&uuary l, "Thi« wcrk is \>iry &b6ori>mg ;uui bcoomirs4 juore &a Uxc various p*an;ūr4; prujocts &re bcing Ocvclopod", Kss joīs is to sur\v>TJs ststistical report&, farnīsh any othcr asiaisfcar.ee aeode4 by thc \ Artous , Mr. SAmu.l R is Ihe nc\% to rcUcvc il(, Hc a le&ehcr thc loia:v; &n»i Svhoois, lie &ttcKoo<i thc SXrih&m Oo«.oji'c, KieKnieaiii. ī a 'ima, Y«3c Vr.,ves>>vy, ihe V;u\x>ra* «t H*\van. He tkl S£«- \ \U-.v» lvos4 lu& &tt£hte£b.