Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 23, 1 October 1941 — Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres [ARTICLE]
Coming Attractions At Consolidated Amusement Co. Theatres
HILO Today only ••REPENT AT LBTSURE" with Wendy Barrie and Kent Tay- '' lor. j Tomorro« and Friflay "M OON OVBR MIAMI" with Betty Grable and Don Ameehe. Saturday only "RINGSIDE MAISIE" with Ann Southevn and George Murphy. Sunday and Monday "K'O'A D TO ZANZĪBAR" \vitb Bing Crosby, Dorothv Lamour and Bob Hope. Tuesday only "BLONDTE GOES LATIN" with Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake. PALACE Today only 4 "WESTERN UNION" with Robert Young and Virginia Gilmore. Tomoirow only "WHOSE GUILTY ?" with Ben Lyon and Barbara Blair. ■MISSING PEOPLĒ'' with Pyffe. Friday and Saturday mallnee "LUKSANG BITUIN" with Lueita Goyen and Serafin Garcia. Saturday evening only "MACHI NO SHOOKATAI" with Sugi Kyoji and Higure Satoko. "MUSUME NO MONDAI" with lida Chyoko. Sunday only "THREE SONS OF GUNS" With Wayne Morris and Marjorie Rambeau. "WANDERERS OF THE WEST" with Tom Keene. M«nday "AFFECTIONĀTELY YOU R S" with Merle Ōberon, and Rita Hayward. Tuesday only "THE LONE WOLF TAKES A CHANCE" with Warren WUliam, "UNDER AGE" with Nan Grey and Alan Baxter.