Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 16, 13 August 1941 — Savings Stamps To Winners At County Fair Next October [ARTICLE]
Savings Stamps To Winners At County Fair Next October
j 3pirit oi the naiionnl pft'paredpivigtain will peruieate this | year's iluwaii County fair, it \vas j aiiiiouueeū bj the Fair <-ommittee : cf tlie Ililo ChamLer Coxninerce. | 111 additiou to the ueual eash ; a\vards, the %vinners, the aunouneej nient said, \vill reeeive U.S. defense ! savings staraps. The fair is sehe- ! uuSed for Oetober 16, 17 and 18. I It was suggested that Hawaiian, : Japanese and haole entertaiuuient ;iiieiits be held since the E. K. Fer|naudez sho\v will unavailable at ! t hat time. 1 A change also for [the popuiar llower exhibil with jKhownißs oi' three anangemeuts at jfliffeieut times iitsiead oi one ar- ; raugement ihe whole ihe time.