Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXVI, Number 10, 2 July 1941 — Australia Makes Anti-Tank Guns [ARTICLE]
Australia Makes Anti-Tank Guns
4 CANBERItA. Au«--Thc otitput of i anti-tank guns receut:!y begtm in * A«srrarta is dese.ribed by tiie Muii - ■ rer of Munltlon«. Senutor Mvßride, ias 4 'an enpineennu ret-oriI" Tlīe maiiufa.'ture i>: beir.£ oarried out !eritirely hy j>rivutf and 25 • is rhe fir«t lime g:uns have lw*en pro ' dn<-ed iis the fVnunon , w - eaHh out»ide
a t»orejn*iMtfii factory. Tbe n«»w jrun U fn>ui » fau»>ou< * Hrjr!xl» <Wlgn «hiili pla,v«l hew willi v«hlrlt*< !n LHi.ra, an;l wUi (iro ar«M>r-ish i rvhijj Ui&ur in Au»»(r«nu artd U» liāVi» *•«! !br«uj:h tb<* aravir i»Sate of nmn uuik? s - if it Thf» ptm 'w*!a*nts s {rpest «>- a, , sk !«j \e*>* HttH «ft fSrm> £prea«i i*wr Jbr*f H» a?*>s fomt*{n«4 In it« m*nttftMun>. il«*i of tlM> tno)» ***d Ow <w ihe 2.500 imein m c«ii luiii to i>e tk#4£OtHl «ad iuaiie tn AuMraSl% be£o» UiK>tii)o eouīd twgiß- Ail the- siwl aaed is i>eii.g uiude ia Ausin«iia.