Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 40, 29 January 1941 — Masthead [TITLE_SECTION+ILLUSTRATION]
Ka Hoku o Hawaii
No. 40
Jji.Q.noXxx J\ <Hoo£aaia «1 i\a «miKim
„STAR OF HAWAII (Printed in Engiish ond Howoiion)
HHA HAfAa,;*: I'OAKOLU. lANUABJ 29. 1941,
The Star Of Hawaii
The Star of Hawaii is published io. tlie lnterests uf tbe Hawaiian people with a view of promotiiig goodwill and preservlng the laqguage and traditions of the Hawalian peōple.
Vol. XXXV» No. 40
' i HILO HAWAIL T. H, WEDNESDAV, JANUABY 29, 1941 * tr * .
Ttt» meOaa ot Ka Hafcu O R»wftU 1« pHa)MI ln the *«r tfc» WneHi af tke jwin«®r gwer*Uoa, m*iiy «f wfeom <lo jK>t r«ftd the iattsuage oi tbeir tor«&tb«ni, «o4 wr Caue*■UlnjiilYlliii II " ' ".. 'WP,
J.B. DIXON, Editor