Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 35, 25 December 1940 — Dr. Gregory New Head Regents Board University of Hawaii [ARTICLE]
Dr. Gregory New Head Regents Board University of Hawaii
- - 3?« m tb« ciutirta<i&»blp of the iwanl oi neents ot the UalrersUy of Hawali, left ?acant by the re«i£laaiioo of Gbaries E. board Moaday electe<i Dr, He- & <3«gory. Dr. G*egwy, former ißrector of ®te§"Bern!dē"P. Btshop Museum, flr»t becftme a wember o£ the board of *ege»ts lii īīine, 1937, on the ap|Hrtntiaent of Governor Poinderter. «e BQWeedetl Br. Arthnr L. Dean. ~Begcut raefinbers preseot at the nieetJnif Monday iucluded Carl A. Ra*d«B, Mr«. Marj Dt]Ungham Fre- «. ffertert K. Keppeler, Oren E. Aln» E. Bteadman, &nd Dr. ®TBgorr. Dr. David L. Crawford, *w*»l<lent of tbe Uoiverßity, who is «Um « rae«iher of the board, is at pre»«at on the maialaneL
B*tfore to Hawail, Dr. Gregory vas a member of the t&«Jity of Yale tTntTersity. He was, <h*ring- h!s teaehing eafeer, an as«fstant 1n biology, lnstrnc*tor in j phTs!rnl geography, Hsslstant pro<bmor of physlographj'. aad heldj tfee Sl!!tn>at) in geo-J *opy. wtth ttie Unlted States Geoiogteai Sarrey £or a iieoe, Dr. Gref®«T «einea as geologist. He also acted as associate editor of the AaKnean Ji>nrtial of Sci«aace. Amonp the organlsation'S to «MA te are the NaUonal! RMMKh Oonnell, of whieh he chairman of the committee on Pa-i eiiie investigations; Geological Sodety of America; Associalion of Ameticm Geographers; American Acadeay o£ Arts and Sclences; Americao Philosophical Society.