Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 35, 25 December 1940 — Hawaii Leads U.S. In Credit Unions [ARTICLE]
Hawaii Leads U.S. In Credit Unions
_ Haw|iU oatlon ln thej d«VeVop»)pnt of the"Ye-1 <Jewa cr«oit viploti. J 80, says "Cooi>eratlve Sayfnjg J With Federal Credit Unlons", tn H September-October (juarterly lssue received this week at tJie Unlversity of HawaU. "In no state iii tlie union do the" people have access to credrt union aejvJice to tbe same extent as In HfiwaU. W»nder tārough the *seountr* a*ngy| true ' in evesy seyen you meet wlll pe wltbln tbe fleld of meffll>erslhip of a gofng credit union. One In 13 will actually belong to a credit union. Tnlly one-flfth of all the gainfuUy «nployed £erspns ln Hnwall a!re now eim>Hed as credit union memi***. I* Rf»y itatc ready to step fnrward and matoh that recftrdT a»ks thp ftrt!cle.
Th« flghtera of tubercu!osis are «p ag«tnBt great odds because sd«nee bas not yet found a way "to dertroy the tuberculosls germ. <3irl«tmas Seal fuDds Annnee medicat researvh. €a«i»tmas Seal funds finance me4ical research In tuberculosis.