Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 29, 13 November 1940 — Honoluluans To Aid The Allies [ARTICLE]

Honoluluans To Aid The Allies

HONOH'LV — An augmen tod artvi?ory nnd a «nanr« committtv for Uie H&waikm rh«ptw of tho Co;miilttec t0 TS;feu<3 i AnwH<*(» Vy A tlie was ':inii.nnuv<l Wf,!; (•s!av by olu»inor lehaiman Wliliam Bortlnvkk. ; The Hnanee t«mmtttee is &ntir?ty of Honolula baultt I, rsi. j Borthwiok saul ofßcers of the rhapt*»ir havi? <x»ntaoteil !o«dttvj: oUI ! *?ns and b«sincss >u»>n aw<3 "ros j !H>nse has \>oon an<3 | Hf> «atd ttio rhspber's ta»mediaie flnanctst sn*«t wsth' whleh to tr*sler aml>utati-| ms wmng: kttchens to ovor-| seas.