Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXV, Number 19, 4 September 1940 — Naalehu Theater [ARTICLE]
Naalehu Theater
Thur»day, Sept. 5 COI.LK(iK ĪIOLIL» \ Y with Jhek 15enuy, Hurns aiul Allen lIOPALONO KIDES AOAIN wIOi Bi3l Boyd ' : 1 BUCK KOGERS, ch;'.pter 6 ' ' Saturday, Sept 7 GHOST VALLEY liAIDKKS with Don Barry, Lona Andre IiOUSE OF FEAK with William' (jiargaii, Ireue llervey r - Sunday, Sept. 8 DOCTOII IUIYTIIM w'uh Biug Cro.-io, Maiy Cai i>-ie INSIDK INKOKMA'i H>N wilh Dick Foran, June Lan^ Tu«»day, September 10 i*ItOFKSSOK HEWA ltK wilh llaruld Lloyd BKHiND THK HKaDI.L\KS wilh Lee Tmcy Zom>'s Fisrhtlng Lei'ien, chnpter 1