Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, 17 May 1939 — Untitled [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Quite a nusUber bf ; legislators 1 have tol«i tbeir Meinl* ihat they will not seek reel 'ctioti next yoar. Wh;uV. the inatter, fellows? 1 y.>u a good tinie at thi* j?ession, or it u poor 3nvestment afier allV One of the outstanc:ng features of congress is that it has fasting qualities. It's liable to last all summer, DESERT POME No. 25 tin rhe <iesen aione . \Vans ]i<ior.'Pnninn - r.issiir-r; When he lookeii in the tnol box— His tire wivnoh was nii^inp. DENTIST BILL IS APPROVED—Newspaper headīine. Ah! The bridgework must have been satisfactory. bull-etin
inakes 110 diflterence in n.ty I physUal condition. I'm ju.«t a* strongr as I was :>0 years ago." 1939 fable: Onee upon a time there was a man who had a pāssport picture iaken and it tooked exactly like him. MODERN MOTHER GOOSE Jack and Jill wcnr up tbe !Utl , An<! had a nasiy fall— We tliōtipht of ii iine I<> add fo thls But Rnbc Wolf sp«īK'«i it all. ReServed seat ttckets are now on sale for the T>to Schipa r®Cfta) at $2.20. Tne nne of Scotchmen wiil form on the Hght, 3t>39 - As cōmplt»teiy for;lS Kiis j <if Aihania. Poland seems to be standing just now with her Beck to the wall. SOURPUSS SAM SAYS: : f
"Tlu>ro tu ho a law iiguinst i ' i>ostal elerks ituttii?i; lHtcrs in p> ! o- < ple*s iuail l»ox<w f««:v <l<»\vn\vard. | How's a MU'r winii \vh«V gettiHir ni.'iU fr<>m wlni?" You may e«ll it Music Week lf you Hke but there's nc us« tum- ' }ing on your radio. You won't get ' «ny- | OFF TME FRONT PAGE # j Ainn'i' M t 'l*lU'rs<.n ; Haili SelnsSilo. Suntu Claoß. Z«g. Trotskj. Winter blizsrur(ls HiQh »choo! stude»U6 were •nnouncer« fcr a loeal radlo ] *Utior< foi two d«>ys. Wel', at ! t«att w« hevd som« new velce*. j Th«l w»# «omethina. • PJ-ENTY 0F SCENtBY j Wlw» imii iMin « ouh' t«t 1 Jil«> t<(Wii j To view our j.« en < r y, ! J%e»fore tlioir s!.!p i.< »«-:»rix'lj .*•>. k«*«t j
T*i W«iini s ls ui»linjir»-!i«lvr. Hw it«» m«'« mt»' J« ih»- «•**«» »«n v t-«• rr ] W«Md« U », dumh | ft w«wrtM«g «ev» t**f> 3'w !* luwfc*r f*wr» Irt fVv ■ ....... «, hBv»- vo',i Iw-ni.l O.» < li« Vtilih f.iT.--t>» < r vt ~ ■ ; &>.. 'i
I io «own the other day to do some and brmi?ht bis wife along Avith hini V All the way hoiue he ' wa« trying to rēmenil»er what.it lie hsid forirotten. lt was not 1 uiuii lie Jroi home that it dawned ! uixm him he had lert his wife in I iuwn. 1 Another useful necessity is an I extra vicious species of, bumble bee that could be trained to sting tourists, and other», who stea* ftowers from the National Pa>*k. WHAT A MEAN BUNCH
MLCOM|i Uffre the oil'ieo pet, ' «as so maei when shc returued froiu | 1 ioii<ii iiju the other day thūt it wrs I tl wet»k before she would j >l«vik tu anyl»ody. The on!y oue to j '■•■■■ iu'r at iiie dock was the office | janitor, and the on!y rca.>on lie was t Uiei'e was that he ha'd to eali for a pavkag<? ©f freighu So nobody notīced the new finery she purcliased in Honolulu, after all the trouble iiiie weiū to get all <ioiled up for a liuppy iaudiug.. Sueli a gross oPerwas a <iarn «haiue vu the part of the office force. i LIFE S OARKEST MOMENT When you take a eoupie of friends to the «how and find that your passcs a-e out of date, and y°u |iave only fift/ C<nts in your jeans, BUT HE'S still got hi« «hiat
(FUoto by Koko-Nuts) Piftan» «>f a Hilo stuall merchant rt-turiilnsr from the tax offilee after l»a.vi«g lils monihl} gross ineome tux. There goes tlie profit 011 two i »la>-"s intaUe, i ASTROLO6ICAL FOR£CAST j Under thi« coftftguration eonj «tru«tivt work »hould be pu»hed ; viBoroucly. j Wond«r if tht fellow who 2» tr>- } 'na io build the new Rr« station j know* *bout thi«. j 'l'lie t«> bo on the loeiūLl I t ratl&o stntion tlmt st«rts oflf it*i j tu<iniinjr vvith rowbu>> | [ 'I'Ih" t-i»w pokts are ri<Jiug j th«* ra«tfc Iioup»: bcf«r t » the Bt4tiou < its dait.v hwaUeaiH, a«(3 we ' «km'i b»>lh've uuy ,»f m* oarry. ] i»»n rfwli«i wtj» oii their »^<l !n * du«ty eel) j ) Stu P»t Malone>; | { The eheek he wrot« { *»t found «ulte phoney. I wa> ihe lU* Isl*oa Jackejr I <1«1> is t»eiJi« key«Hl arouad «111 |w*hi »etH«BBiUiti itt> belug | \\V !lta! | i« he « aihKi t.h«> eluh» I ilmt tht« iurw I «Ml( V! iil (vv mWo |y iiu j with it. j WHEft£ IGNORANCE (S BLISS '
,« )v|i«n 4 I ***« li )oft«rant «f Hi« i§ner«noe. | T?u* th« umi v»hfci «i ht g«i« #U ih« n*«k« *vct t#§ |«Mf I'KAC£ \HM 1U - N«. b««4
iitw M*<t a TVt>rd for M«J. wM'li h«» rsu*! |»rl*K. A *4 <**•«*■ U» !mmut b*«d»m*n who thought h« w*< wMe Ha m« «ct* ot t*»n* th# S& F(-*h«« tUa. Wfh h« *«» <Mi«* IhMsf! S|U<» VU , 4i l t W «Wt» i,. *Ht» *btmt ui».*U i)ut »*• l« |iti> niiHtt«.t v»r« *IWi w #>»r ' 0 ; t< f>-,-»*aim -- *
!**«•» *m m&i** i* «| »«■ M««1 |>4*»»W.«<w Ut!Sf lfcf £f«ttirt' i«r#w *m*id»4 Tb* p*f#r ww i #**ni M». ** 3* n i #n«f r* l*w*| «tn I* ib« I* m ***** i* ii* **•#*••*» «aw*** ro«st « »*|*% »«4 »*<* : *«W1». , : .......; _-~ .