Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXIII, Number 36, 4 January 1939 — CROWELL WANTS MAUI TRAFFIC COMMISSION [ARTICLE]
j Esiablishmeut ol a tratnc eom- ! missiou tor Maui count>" will be I sought aner ihe flrst of the vear ! by Sheriff Clem C. Oioweil, accord- | mg to news from there a few davs !ago ! < i The sheriff made the statement ( thav he has long advocated «ueh hu organization, but ihai lie had never received any action ou his reoom mendaiiou froni the board ot supei v visors. He also stated th»l he be iieved th« new board will soo ihe projeet in a favorable light. This commissiou, Sheriff Crowell expUined, would be composed of one i~epresentaiive ot the plania tit»ns. wliieh have many roads now useti by the public, oxte automobi!e J d«uler. one 'laymau", the territorial | en£ineer, the county engineer and I two members of the board. f Purpose ot the comtnisssou, ī Slieriff Crowell said, would be to { make decisions iu routing traffic j j and placing of signs, and t.o deter ; { miue the best method of so!vir.g : I some of ihe eongested traffie piob ; I lems. i ! "i'v« got eaough to do H»oking at j ! ter »be Kf»neral poHee worit, "sherin I i t?roweti »Ald, "wlthout h«vletf i<* ! I h»ndle tr«(Tic, too. ! * ' | The eommiss?ion would serve wiih j I out p»y, ihe aheriff pointed oui, se- ! f therei would bo no additional eost' ! h» ihe taxpayers. He also explained ! ! tbai īhe imrfie problems of the! \ rount> nre spread OVer such a Wld, ' ' »rea th«t $t i» im|wsasible for one j • man io draw up a uniform tmfVs. ! ! sys!em. j I Kxplata!oc * ffi<cn th*t * *s plae.n! j »eeemly on the Kahut«i htsh\<*y.; ! tlie »herifT »«1d UMit H w** 1 ' to pr*fveot n\«B\ ne*r aevMenT« thsf < h*ve oe?urred when »otorl#H eow \ , Uts ?n»m ihe (i<*port h*ve turned' 1 do^<ui (ii« old ro»d The now »ltn n"Rlshl Tus v 1 - and i* pl*c#4 *t th, end o'; 5 ihe *tone v*)l on th<p WaAuku slrt»< | of thr nunp lue*»#, ihe *hertflf | i aaki, th*t tf * motort«t wlshes te » tu»« to «fc« rt«cbt tbt oM K* ; huiw» rot*d, be m«*t e«se u» * *«>; ; I b<rtūr t . h« eo®plet«* the | i tt»#Bfuvef, he ; j k*Hp a»a* *%n frow <>i<' ! I lUIO 1W IiKI fc*»s 11»« o» the i * ro*d m ?hey »*ke tbe mm s«<l * i ttin»ua« tfe» rt*k of ooīW*n*n *«h * \ HWi. -I ) Tfe<tf $11»* *r* 801 3e#!g«*a te j ' tr*tfle *Ir*l*ht IhWMifh !»īO i | tfet hu«la#«« di*trH-* of t***ttuk«i a,- j | rordin* 10 lfc« «fc»rfY I