Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 48, 24 March 1937 — PLAN OFFERED Reapportionment Bill Would Give Big Island One Less Senator [ARTICLE]
Reapportionment Bill Would Give Big Island One Less Senator
HONOLULU, Mar c h 2 2 (Special) Reapportionment of the .territorīal legislature eame to the fore in legislative circles again today through a brand| new plan designed to take one senator' away from the island of Hawaii and give an additional senator to the island of Oahu. The plan, under consideration by the Oahu senate sc}ect eommiUee, has been submitted in the form of a bill whieh will probably be introduced in the near futwe. Members of the Oahu e.ommittee have "not yct coo t mitted themselves on the proposa.l. Vnder thc proposal the membership of the senate, 15, would not be ehanged. but here is what would happen: The , island of Hawaii would be given three instead of four senators. The island of Oahu would be given seven instead of six senators. The county of Maui would be divided into two senatorial districts, with one senator elected for the Valley Island proper and one for the islands of Molokai and Lanai, Diviston on Oahii The island of Oahu would be divided into two senatorial districts, one of whieh would comprise the rural district o9 the city-county. It is proposed to-ehange represēntation in the lower chamber of the legislatuTe. West Hawaii"s membership would be reduced from four to two while East Hawaii's membership would remain unchanged at four. Oahu would be given an additional representativē. The present representation from Kauai island wouīd not be chariged, but part of Maui county's delegation would be elected from Molokai and Lanai. Also> pending in the 'senate is the
Rice measure requesting authority from congress to reapportidn the membership of the house of representatives, but to leave the existing senate setup mtact. THUMBSCREWS APPLIED TO SALE OF EYEGLASSES Thumbserews are applied to the law governing the sale of eyes;lasses in a bill tntroduced to<say i>y Rep. Aupust Costa Jr. of the Blg Island. The measure would make it unlawful for any person to sell eycplasses at retail in any store or other established plaee of business except on a prescription issued by a repular licensed' physician or optometrist. The bill also prohibfts any i>crson, other than a licenscd physician or optometrist, from peddling or scllintt eyrglasses from house to or upon any strect or highway. NEW TAX MEAHI RES INTROD(TCEO IN HOt SK IVo new tax measures of imerc!>t to BUr Islandcrs appearcd iu thc house today, both iutroduccd by RSchftrd K. Kimb«ll of Oahu. One providcs for the taxiug of U\e dosir in Hawaii by mamland ewpor&tioas undcr thc &ocall<Kt Wisconsin formula.
Under the t£mu of thc ii',ft®iri v th« ratio of busim\ss donc iu liawaii to the toti\l busincss of thc conx>rstiou would be us*d to ta» ihe uct ineome carncd iu thc uhtiit»n-
Tt»o §*con<! tnea&uro *\)uld cU»s pro?(V«vvU*n&is Viith for ihe purpos«£ ot thf gtos-s iiie muU)uc, thereby raisitii U\e tax paiie of ixro!>ssionals from Uai£ oī 1 per to i s * j*r m*t