Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 36, 6 January 1937 — NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT LEASE [ARTICLE]
! Pl'liLH' NOTICE is lieiolw givon] ;that at hi«>Vl»x-k A. M. Friday. Fe-I |bniaiy l!>. 11KS7. at tlie Aupuni St rcol |-4d*>-d<:->ot' entntnrc to "TōrntouaT Oil'k-O: Huiklin£,. , \V;uluku, Maui, tlioie will l>o snM at i>\ihlu> auoliou lo the hit;}iost Mtklor, mulor tho pn»visions 01 !Seot ioti 7:5 OI.UIO Hawaiiuti Orjfank- j A<.*t and of Iho lioviso\l L:nrs of lla-, w aii ret;Uinfī to puhlio Uinc!s, a j Ueneial Loaso of tho Governinont lands: ' ' Poi'Hon of tho Jandof' Keokea.' Kula, Mauf, on the road to Ulupalakua. eoiit;uning 14.">7 square ■■ i'oei niore or lees: Tenn of Loase,l | years fn»n I-Vi»uary li>, I!W>7; ! Tpset lienlal, *[.">.<><i peī īmiium, payal)lo anmiall.v in advanoe. . TJie leaso to Ih'sold will t>e sul>- ; joet to ali of 1 Ih> lernis and eonditio)>s et>ntaitiod iu C.overnment tīoner«\l. issued by t he. OlHoe of the C<>nHmssionor uf Puhlio Lands. inoludintr the on the part of tlie a»onts and representatives of 1 lio Toiiiuny oi' liawulu and of its kx al polHk-al siihdiv.isions, t0 entor or eros.s s'»id Uiiul at ;vny timo in the lX 4 rforinanoe of their duties.. The aU»ve salo is subject to tho foUo'Wintī.'Oondit.ion: Tho pmvhaser sliall at the fuli ot the h;nmuer jkiv the first vears ront. to<«ether with aU i>l. aUvertisi»m and other vlinriios )Vvjuirod t>\ law, K»»r turlher informat ion. apply at IhoOllue of ihe Sub-l,and .\jiem, Mr. I'i.ink i"\ lVriiton:d thlne l;uiiiliu>i, Waikiku, Maui, or at Uh- r ol ihe l.\>ininissioner ot l'uhlk- J.a.ids. Tenitort;d t>tīkv ilonoluiu, t>ahu. \\hero map of the !and to <m ( le«st'd :md fonn o! t«o\tMiunent t;onorat Leasi> aiv on !iir and Ih> >oen. IHine at Uu i o| Xho <.\s-u■ : mK>i(Mier ot l v lUUO L;mds. * HSī«x> Houohihi, *>ahs» y thK' mlula\ A 1». 1.. M. \VIUTKUorsK ; t o! Tuh:ū' Land> j h\ Jan.FoU. !«. VXft\