Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXXI, Number 28, 11 November 1936 — Free Training School For Girls [ARTICLE]
Free Training School For Girls
A.free trninlng seiiool in ho\ise hold dnties for womon and girls of IT> vears of age or over will bo opcned in tiie Lyman oottage on Kapiolani St., next dcor to tlie Lyman House Memonal I>ecember 1. ' A eoursc in genevai maid- servic < e > including eooking, house ēleanīn#, mending, laundering, carc of cīiiKlteir and table service wii) be »riveii. Tliose s itisfactQrily completing tlio. couves" uili be giveu certificates wliieh \% i]J lielp tpem obtain betier positions and iiigher wages than thev eouki other\v ise secure. The lengtii of the eourse wiii depend upon the individualSome will obtain certificates at tlic end of three mOnths. and aftcr longer periods depending on tlie lengtli of time eaeli students requires to become sufficiently skilled to eam a certificate. Tiie classes will be iiekl from 9 a. m. to I p. m. >londa\s. Tuesdays, Wermesday£, Tluirsdays aiul Fridays v [ Shose wishing to enroll in thi> | class s!iould apply at the offics of IMrs. Emma P. Giacometti, bupenisj itn principal of the Central nawaii ! sciiools, Waianuenue St. (Cottage in jold liosdital grounds.) Tliis is a S.nith-llughes projec,t under the direction of the vocational department of the department of public instruetion. Mrs. Ila/.el Bush will. be in cliarge of the classes.
Tiie Ilawaii County liaiul, mulei t'.ie direction of Frank of Frank P>. Wriglcy, will furnisli music thit moniing at Iloolulu Park, during the Armistice Day sports program.