Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 38, 8 April 1936 — VETS OF FUTURE ORGANIZE DRIVE [ARTICLE]
Buell W€fbster, undorgraduate president of the satiric "Proliteers of Future Wars," of Troy, N. Y., has announce<l ; api)ohitment of IWA Dietrich, Virginia IT.l T . stmknt, to head a Washington lobby committei:, i)erppetuating the ironic collegiatt> Jost of mnitarism. "We niu«t leave no stom> untuvn- < d whieh miglu tho drivo to nilvaiu'o payiucnt oC Ixmiuscs to the 'YeU'raUij of Futur,- Wars'," Wtbstcr said. Meanwhile Russell Sage collegu eoe<u iiiniuHl a "UoUl Auxi!iarv ot* the Prof]Ut rs ot' K«l«re Wars," lieaded bv Dorothv SU'iiuneyer. The Fuuuv Yetorans already bave ati ausiliary the iiohl !slar Moiln.-rs of Future Yeterans.