Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 37, 1 April 1936 — HAWAIIAN WINS FOR LIFE SAVINGS [ARTICLE]
Fame for his life-saving exploits is being won by Eddie L'kini, Hawaiian '.swim.tncr, at. ,tho huge Fleishliacker pool in San Francisco, where ; tho Island boy is No. 1 lifeguard. , In the past four years during his patrol ov the pool and the beach Eddie has rescued no less tban 27 pertJons.. ii'om <irowiiJiig, according to an ueeounl recently printed in the San Francisco News. Not only has Eddie saved weak swimmers but .lias even saved rcscuers at the Bay City beach. Onee a 17-year-old boy struggled ia a boiling sūrf outside ,the beach and Ed : | die went. out to bring hitn in, also assisting oii the way haek a coast guard who hau tried. Lo go to tlie resc'ue with a ]ife belt. , Anothsr time a fellbw guard of Ukini's had swum out during a March btonn to rescue a man, The mau dro>vned and the guard, exhausted attempts to save him, was going dow]i. Eddie went out aad got ,the <lrowned man's body and aided tlie guard ashore. . Eddie attracted a lot of attention on the Coast by swimming three different times across the Colden Gate. Ukini first eame to Fleishhacket pool while "Tiny" Simerson, present captain of life guards at Waikiki, was No. 1 lifeguard at the pool. At the time Eddie was working in a San Frailcisco cigarette factory, Simerson | said. ■
While on tlie Coast —he left th,e Islands about 15 years ago — Eddie married a San Francisco girl.