Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Volume XXVII, Number 36, 25 March 1936 — FRANK J. VIERRA MAY OUIT BAND [ARTICLE]
Accortling to rt'pori i'roin Honnlnlu, Frank J. Vitrja, intends to retire as dirt j ctor of the Roydl Hawuiiuu band when his present U-i-pi expiies at tho begimiing of noxt year aud plans to returu to Lochaven, l'a., where he was ]ucated for aome y<>ara previous to returning to _HUo some eleven years ago. _,It is understood thut lie objects to the poliitical control exercised over the band, feelin« that if i s not worthto eoniiuue as'lead«T under the present set-up. Vierra is said to luive iminiated that ehe band.is tuo ol'ien a polin'eal footliall. R#c*ently thc bc»anl of supervisors conducted an investigation of the band's finances whieh turued up no irregularities whatever. Ihe bandinas,ter is aLso -dist.ouraged because. his efforts to have iinprovements at tli e hand's headquartrrs ati'd prac-tice rooms in Kalihi have eome to The buiMirig is reported as being badly in need of repairs. Vierra was born uear Hilo. He re.ceived iiia ,e.ducaliQn in Hilo schools aud i.n lllinois. Xle he.eame best knowh in circles throughout the islands ;whe.n he retuvnt;d to Hilo in Maieh# 1925, to reorganize the Hawaii CounLy ;band. On January 5, 1933, he was appointed by Mayor Wright of Honolulu to direct the Royal Hawaiiaa band, whieh has shown a steady improveinent under his leadership.