Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 20, 19 January 1881 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
~~ ^wi il^iiiww''*" 11 . I II ih very pleaHiuil to nuLe llie eoiilruKt lief rw(;en tliings as they are in Ll i i h lit,tle Kiiigdoni I :■»-(! ;iy . and the Htate of fceling wliieli existed at I .|,e nine wlien this jouriial paHHeei i n Lo t lie* IiiukIh \ I ,f uri preserit proprietor. At that. r.i iue , ihe preHs I jf thc Kingdom, r>ativtr and foreign, waK banded j j :ogetlier in attaek upon the King. A dirfcouiTeoua a eriticiHin was freeiy ifrxlulged in to bring j)iui into I . Jisre8pect, and if the t<rne of the pre8H and the Tjud taīk in eertain quaiTei'H eoulel have been aeI cepted at the voice of tlie nation, no country > could have appeareckmi!>i-c ripe for revolt against 1 ite ruler. Tho8e who had no sympathy with this I sort of thing had no organ. They are, for the | most part, men who take no part in politieal afI fairs or di8CU8eions', content., to follow theiravocation8 in peaee iri a kingdoin whoa.e institutions they respeet and believe in. ^ At thi8 r juncture we stepped in, determined that the 1; voice of a minority, however loudly rai8ed,-Bhould not be mistaken for that of thc nation. The 1 work wē~Iīud outl'or ourselves was ,to euppo r t I the inHtitutions of the country against the 8carcely veiled attack8 wliieh threatened them ; to sup- |. port lieartily, yet ..with a .diseriminating .«pirit, | ■ tlie King and liia advi8ei'8 ; to aet forth the truth 1 of things in oppo8ition-to the garbled Btories wliieh were everywhcr6 being cii'culated, to ex1;. pound discri'minatingly matter.s wliieh had exI cited so mueh angry feeling.; a"nd tb arou8e into I ' moro demon8trative actiyity the «piri t of loyalty 1 to the King, whheh we ^ "knew to be wide-Bpread I v through the country, and uh decp-Heated in the 1 breast8 of the majority ol our foreign. as of our ii nativo population. ' \Vc toolc up tho pen none too I' Boon, for the King and all h i h peaeeably diHpo8ed |j Hubjects could rw)t l'ail to view witli alami tbe cx1 citedcor|idibionoftlieexponentHofaiiadvoi'He 8(!nti1 in'erit wliieli «oemeil " likely to C!U'ry them to |j lengtliH, tbe l'ruit of wliieli tbey wouhl liavo bit- ■ terly to repent wlien too late. - The King whh ■ ■ iiiado to feol tliat HCowling l'aoeH Hun'ounded k r> • »kj liim,— -to doubt wl)otlior oi'.no lii« Tlirono, mijgl)t lio in diuigor ~ to bolievo tliut all Iiīh eanieHL proi joct,H lor tlio'welfai'o oI'Iiīh Kingdoiii and Ihh i'eoI- _ plo woro about to bo deleat(i(l , nnd- tlio lruitH ol 1 li>ng ycar« of eoriHtitubiorml gf>vei'rimorit <»i"tlio I part ol' liiLiHoll' iux.l Iiīh predoo(>HHoi'H hoiUIoum! to I tlio wiinllH. And we (!onli(J(jr,itly Hay tbat our woi'le I wiih ono ol'poaoo, wo oiuiio forward to «poak-llio 1 miml ol' Ihal; largo l.»ut (|iiiotly <JiHpoHod inajorily ■ ol' tlu> nalion, wliioli viowod witli t,lio .j5reatOMt ■ eonooni Uio angry 'jbolitig« tbat bad lioou ī'aiHinl. I Uow j*tioeoB«fully, nupportod by tlio eoininon Honno and loyttlty ol' Lho maHHOH ol' Uio pooj)le, wo hav(> fu)li,llpd tliat iniHHion, tho luwt lbw Ihhuoh ol' Uio AoyKRTlH/i;i(., havo (unply oyidoiiood. Tho aeooplaueo ol' our i'oopoollul Huggot)tioii llial; l'Iin j ,Majeai'y ohoul.i , hol'oi'o undortaking it jouriioy H ahi'oael, viitlt Uio oeUli'en of populaUou Uirough» K out' Uio King(iom, lniH liupj)lly proved Uto inoiuiH I ol domonotraUiig Uio ,loyalty to tho Tlirono and K' tho ulloeUon l"or tlio Kiug whioli j)orvii(loM all I "hmi.on throughoiR Uioho luluniio. ( Tho duty w« I ' un.dortook wan Uim ^ II 1 1 m . h i T «fr ;
waH ovidont that"<'' the timrj8 w ere out of joint." ' ()ur reward is m the rcHiiltH, arid-wc d'eBire rio other. We find it in tīie record wliieli we 4iav.e just puhliHlieil of the King!q ree(:ptiori..on Friday. evening by many of tbe very inon 'wlio were «o liasci ly led away t.o d isbol iove in hini. Very gracel'ul wan it on the part of ilin M.aje8ty on an occasion, of di8tinguiHhed loyal demoriHtration to 8mooth over the paHt,by'a graoiouB rccognition ol a eommon liahili ty to erf. " Byegones aro now hyegones" — and all Ilawaiian subject8 of whatever birth joi'n with us to-day in bidding God' speed to onr King on a jourpey he is undertaking, no't"fbr pleasure or in .tfto spi.rit of raere curiosity," but.for tho benefit of the "Kingdom ove'r w'hieh he ,ha8 beeh called to rule,oand of the people whom he lovee ānd who love him.