Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume X, Number 7, 18 February 1937 — Oahu County Committee "Far From Dead," Goes Under Revival of Spirit [ARTICLE]
Oahu County Committee "Far From Dead," Goes Under Revival of Spirit
Recent activities and meet- i ings of the Oahu County Committee prove to the most sceptieal t hat t h e "Democratic County Committee is very ! mneh alive," i New faces and new "pep f " cooperation with mēmbers who have showed enouglx iuterest in. recent meetings to attend, and recent cīrculation of mimeographed COUNTY COM-
MTTTEE NEWS, outlinitif a program of orons aelion, aīl have contrībuted to the very definite revfval of s s among committee workers, Attendance at the Fel>rnary meetin£ was splend!4. and eathusiasm in party aifalrs ran liigia. Among the new Cou n t y Committeemen who have eontributed to this revival mlght be nxentioned Major Harrington of Waialua, Harley Holderb'aum of Damon Edward Kopke of the Kapahula dlstrict, Jacob Ahia of Kalihi a n d James Clark of Makiki.