Ke Au Hou, Volume III, Number 8, 28 February 1912 — Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Issued every Wednesday at Office of the " HAW AH SHINPO SHA" On Smith Street, between Hotel and King Streets SUBSCRIPTION RATES Per Copy, - - - - - - - - 10 Cente For Quarter Year, - - - - - - - $1.15 Half Year, - - . - - - - - « $2.25 One Year, - - .- - - - ..- * - $4.50 ("Entered at the Post Office as Second Glass Matter.) JOHN R WISE, - - - Editor (LUNAHOOPONOPONO) GULSTAN K. POEPOE r - - - Manager ( Lunahoohana) DANIEL K. HOOLAPA, - - Treasurer (PUUKU)