Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 12, 28 March 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]
Treasurcr's Oi'īiee, Honolulu, Oahu Io re dissolutioa of tbe Honokaa Wine & Liquor Company, Limiteu. Whereaa, the Ilonokaa Wine & Liquor Cojxjpany, Limited, a corporation eBtabliahcd and existiiig und by virt,ue of the lawa of the Territory 0 f Hawaii, haa porsimnt to law in such caāes iiiade itnd pruvided, duly fiied in this office a petition for the dissolutioii '>f the said corporation, togetlier >itli a ceiufieate thereto aimexed as ;ec[uira<l by law. N r ow, ihen-hn-., uoll-e. is herebj giien u, auy and all persons that have b<K?n or nrc now interested in < i* l\\ iiiud corporation, that objections to the gi:»n.u)g i_(i liie aaid pi.*titioii umst be tled in this office op or before j!2 o'elook noon of April Tth, liHi», and iiiui a uy panou or pereons desiring to be heard thereon must be in attendance &t the offie« oi the iu tl\e Executive Building, Hooolulu, at 12 o'eloek 110011 day, to show cause, il' sttid petitiun should. not !be granīed. j Treasurev, Tenitory ot Ilawaii. j 1 iolHiUl (il, (.KlulH'l- ;>(>, |y,>_ i iv MhT/.Ci