Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — Shipping News and Notes [ARTICLE]
Shipping News and Notes
•—r Th‘- >teaajer Hawaii will sail on Saturday for H»wj i ports Vhe Aorangi i* due from Victoria this afternoon The British ship 1-aogdate sailed' tor Sac Francisco yesterday aft°r roon. Th° Niihau arrived from Koloa yesterday morning *■;(> 52*0 bags of , sugar The pile driver has finished work • on the coffer dam ba> k of the Hea • iani beat house. . The City ot Peking aaay arrit* m« 1
evening from San Francisco with later papers and mail. The American schooner Aloha and i the ship Reuce got away for Port i Townsend yesterday afternon. Purser Philips of the steamer Maui, reports that Papaaloa will begin grinding on .January 25th; Paauhau on February 15th, and Ookala and Kukaiau about March Ist. A. R. Ooster. a seaman on th schooner Honoipu. fell in the bay on Wednesday evening while on his way back to his vessel. He was rescued by some sailors of the Andrew Welch. Merchandise to the amount of 37,-, 1 533 tons is on its way to Honolulu divided as follows: From Liverpool. 3407 tons; from Ph'lade'. hia. 177 tons: from Bremen. 1153; from Sydney. 1073; from Nitiate ports, 359: Irum New York. 1582; fiom Yok-.ha-ma. 2987; from Hamburg. 7843. and from Newcastle. 19.625 tons.