Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 493, 10 January 1902 — WILL FORCE CUPID TO RUN [ARTICLE]


HEATED HOME RUE DISCUSSION Misunderstanding as to Wording of By-Laws Creates Long and Warm Argument Which Results in Sudden Termination of Meeting Without Transaction of Any Business. -We will force Prince Cupid Kalauianaole to run a? representative from the Fourth District when the election is announced,” said a prominent Home Rule Republican last night. “The matter was discussed at the meeting and, although no decision was arrived at and Prince Cupid says he does not know whether he will run or not. we are bound to have him run. The Home Rale Republicans are on top now and we are not going to spoil our chances by nominating anyone but the best man for the position left vacant by the death of Archibald Gilfillan. “You can say that Cupid is the nominee of the Home Rule Republican party and you will have it correct. “Most of the time at the meeting was taken up by a heated discussion which was brought about by a misunderstanding of terms. “A motion was made that all who had not pledged themselves to support the Home Rule Republican piaf irm shcu'd be called upon to express their opinion. Some of the menibeis said that there were no by-laws compelling a member to take an oath ty support the platform, while olae. s said there was such a by-law. Thera was no copy of th° constitution at hand to which tn refer, so the mattei could not be se.tlvd. The whole argor.ient. which ree”> amounted to note ing after all. was over the two Hawaiian words ‘hooia’ and “hoolrfki. - the former meaning to affirm or confirm. and the latter meaning an oath. In discussing the matter the two words would insist on getting transposed and misapplied and confusion resulted. One insisted that the by law said ‘to affirm, - while another insisted that it spoke of taking an ‘oath ' “A resolution was passed thanking the management of the drill shed for the use of the building for the great mass meeting last Saturday. “Delegate Wilcox was referred to as Hawaii's next Gr-vernor. but no resolution was taken in the matter. Indeed most of the time was taken up in argument on the two words which 1 have mentioned.”